Example sentences of "not [verb] at the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Catering services do not exist at the beck and call of an immature , over-wealthy child . ’
2 The analyses of both Cockburn and Dearlove imply a relationship between business and local government which did not exist at the time and could not easily be generated , whatever the ambitions of civil servants in the departments of central government , or of individual chief executives .
3 Mr Vass said his client had lashed out , in a fight outside a pub , not realising at the time that a bottle in his hand was broken .
4 Mrs Lynch added : ‘ What I can not understand is why the bag was not checked at the mortuary or the police station ? ’
5 It was tedious , but no longer alarming , and as she contrived most mornings to slip down to the shore for gulps of sea air , though she was careful now never to go beyond the rocks around the headland , she did not chafe at the confinement as once she had .
6 You 're doing it wrong if you 're not looking at the person that you 're trying to persuade .
7 One can therefore presume that he was not looking at the landscape as scenery but as habitat .
8 I think I must be not looking at the list or not reading half the stuff .
9 It was not held , and the decision does not involve , that when a body of trustees receive income of the trust estate not taxed at the source and proceed to distribute it among beneficiaries , they are not assessable to Income Tax and are bound to pay over the income to the beneficiaries without deduction , leaving it to the Revenue to pursue the beneficiaries .
10 Dexter was sure the TV reporter 's motive for leaving the room was more to check the nanny was not listening at the keyhole than a raging thirst .
11 Any judgment or order made against a party in his absence , ie where he does not appear at the hearing and a judgment or order is made against him , " may " be set aside , and if on the facts a refusal would involve a miscarriage of justice , the judge " must " grant the application — See Note " Discretion to set aside " under Ord 37 , r 2 ) .
12 Significantly , however , this ritual was not allowed to take place within the sacred precincts : the animal was burned whole ‘ outside the camp ’ , its blood was not offered at the altar but burned along with the carcass , and the officiating priest was required to cleanse himself after the sacrifice .
13 The hon. Member for Northampton , North ( Mr. Marlow ) has some interesting ways of looking at the problem , but he did not look at the fact that there are proven ways of taking young people who have committed offences and giving them a chance to confront their criminality .
14 The response points out that there is little point in improving regional road links if traffic can not move at the beginning or end of its journey — inevitably this must involve a public transport solution within urban areas , with some form of limitation on car usage .
15 We 're working at things which the players might not appreciate at the moment but they will in 10 years time when they look back on what they have achieved .
16 Kathleen Kenyon 's notable effort was not wholly successful for two reasons : firstly , it was not appreciated at the time that there was only one major construction phase and not two ; secondly , the knowledge of pottery dating was then inadequate .
17 He had not known at the time that they were officers of the law .
18 I regarded it as a very happy accident that I went to U.C.L. to study English , not knowing at the time that I was going to a Department and to a College distinguished for English language studies .
19 He also noted how photographs could contain details the photographer had not observed at the time that the lens was focused and the exposure was made .
20 I did not realise at the time that this species ( or form ) is strongly dimorphic in size , with the female attaining a mere 4″ or so S.L. when fully grown .
21 As a result , it seems clear that the prosecutor need not establish at the outset that such was the defendant 's intention or awareness .
22 We can not park at the weekend and people are already parking on the grass verge . ’
23 But no one has said that you can not sit at the table and talk to your family , even if you choose not to eat .
24 Three patients were excluded from the subsequent analysis as anaemia ( haemoglobin <13 g/100 ml men , <11.5 g/100 ml women ) was not confirmed at the hospital or on reviewing the family practitioners ' investigations .
25 He will not talk at the committee unless he has a genuine contribution to make to the discussion .
26 In pursuing their administrative and legislative strategies , the Reaganites were not fiddling at the margin or tinkering with the status quo .
27 It should also be noted that although candidates may be admitted initially as prospective students for honours , admission to the honours courses is not guaranteed at the outset but depends on performance in classes taken in the first two , or in some cases three , years .
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