Example sentences of "not [verb] [pers pn] [adv] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 His family , friends and colleagues were not to see him again for 19 months .
2 Roman does not want you here at all , Signorina Hastings .
3 How can I be sure you have not given it away to another ? "
4 He declared that he could see no alternative to perestroika , but he won loud and prolonged applause when he observed that " all manner of rash radicalism , improvisations and dithering have not given us much in five years " .
5 I 'm not eating it quickly at all , it 's just catching a filling every time I eat it .
6 However , we shall not discuss them further in this book .
7 They had not expected him back before one o'clock .
8 Will the artificial and shallow-minded of the world ever recognise the beauty of natural values and not shrug it off as sky-high idealism ?
9 You know it , it was good and that 's , you know , and that 's not knocking you apart at all
10 They would not wait it out like this for long .
11 I should not expect them back before late in the afternoon .
12 Now that Antoinette was dead , there was no one to repeat to her to be careful , not to drop it , to try at least to walk like a lady , not to plonk it down like that .
13 ( which generates error code 27 ) will not break you out of this loop .
14 Contrary to belief , this does not lift you out of this world in which you live , but it does allow you to take your rightful place within this world in the totality of your being .
15 At Hertford in 1705 , according to Tutchin , when it became clear that the Tackers " could not carry it there by Legal Votes " , the town magistrates created between 100 and 150 " Honorary Freemen , all of the Tackers side " , and managed to ensure a Tory victory .
16 On the other hand , even if the politician demonstrated his ability to provide a great deal of patronage , if he did not follow it up with effective social contact , he would be laying a poor foundation for a political interest , and the gratitude of the freeholders under those circumstances could be short-lived .
17 Even Shelford could not work them out of that one .
18 I did not remember it quite like that , but I began to feel he was a good-hearted , sincere man .
19 He might desire her — he did desire her — but he would not marry her only for that !
20 We do not understand it , they say , by which they seem to mean that we can not set it out in everyday words ( though actually one can go some way towards doing so , as I tried to do in Chapter V of The particle Play ) .
21 I did not meet him socially until 1975 when we were both invited as guest speakers to the annual dinner of the Newcastle-upon-Tyne division of the Royal Naval Reserves .
22 She had played a part that was alien to her nature and she had not played it well at all .
23 We can not have you here in all the circumstances .
24 Dave Mellor did not have it away with that repellent tart .
25 This would mean that all of the degrees in theology , faithful church attendance and good works are worthless if we do not have it together in this one area .
26 For instance , it has been noted that when ‘ parents are depressed and irritable they do not take it out on all their children to the same extent : often one is more or less scapegoated .
27 ‘ Cathy Henderson better not hear him on like that , ’ Natasha said .
28 I 'm not giving you much at all .
29 So you know he 's offered two per cent and they 're not giving it out to many people .
30 And that , you know , not tying them up with endless pettifogging regulations .
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