Example sentences of "not [verb] [prep] [art] [noun sg] that " in BNC.

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1 If Labov 's interpretations were suspect ( and of course they are not ) , this would not arise from the fact that he failed to test for significance .
2 Surere could not disappear in the way that he had without powerful help .
3 For a breathless instant , made dizzy by the fierce uprush of joy sweeping through her , Isabel could not think beyond the fact that he had come .
4 I do not think for a moment that the Letter of Aristeas should be taken as a Festal Scroll , something like the Book of Esther , to be read in the Alexandrian synagogues every year on the day on which ( as we know from Philo ) the Alexandrian Jews commemorated the translation ( De vita Mosis 2.41 ) .
5 We may choose a professional sports person as our referent and bemoan the fact that our salaries do not compare despite the fact that we may have as much talent in our chosen fields .
6 Mr Vass said his client had lashed out , in a fight outside a pub , not realising at the time that a bottle in his hand was broken .
7 It is not biased towards the way that the data may be accessed from storage media .
8 She snaked her head forward and bit hard into his nose , biting down with all her strength , ignoring his shrieks of pain , trying not to gag on the blood that filled her mouth .
9 The awareness of some unrecognizable danger did not spring from the knowledge that Johnny might yet offer her violence .
10 True , politicians are by nature optimists , otherwise they would not persist in a trade that offers more kicks than ha'pence .
11 A statement that a reporter is a " libellous journalist " implies some proven propensity to defame : it is not justified by the fact that he was once in his career obliged to apologise .
12 The accused 's conviction was quashed because the judge had not explained to the jury that the sale amounted to theft only if the victim had a " proprietary right or interest " in the video .
13 The phenomenon of expanding authorship in biomedical journal articles is not explained by the hypothesis that newer research technologies have necessitated more extensive collaboration .
14 Clara could not explain to the school that it was not so much a question of finance , as of her mother 's instinctive opposition to any pleasurable project — and anyone could see that a visit to Paris could not possibly fail to entail more pleasure than instruction .
15 He finds it sad that the USM and fund markets have not developed in the way that they were expected to at the outset .
16 I am not suggesting for a moment that this kind of problem can be resolved merely by putting more resources in , but at the same time there is need to spend more money , perhaps .
17 I agree that the discretion under article 13 ( a ) is not limited in the way that Mr. Wall submits .
18 The players who have strolled through our consciousness these past 10 years are mostly with us yet , but whatever they do in the Nineties will not resound in the way that their achievements of the Eighties did .
19 Although the money MI6 has provided has given him access to Western luxuries , they can not compensate for the fact that he will never see his motherland again .
20 Banc One has a rule that it will not merge with an institution that is larger than one-third its own size .
21 She was cruelly obsessed with class and if her children had not come from a background that she knew to be reliable she would certainly have ignored them as she ignored the au-pair girls .
22 Earl Loreburn stated : I do not assent to the proposition that a voluntary payment can never be charged , but it is enough to say that these were not voluntary payments in any relevant sense .
23 Lord Fraser was pressed by MPs with examples of rises in contributions that people would have to pay towards legal aid and said : ‘ I am not shrinking from the fact that there will be increases in the contribution for some people . ’
24 While rejecting the detailed application of management approaches from an industrial or commercial environment into schools , we should not fall into the belief that there is nothing to be learned from such experience — for in the right conditions there is .
25 Progression has been one of the keystones of the TVEI extension , and there are few secondary schools which are not committed to the concept that a student 's learning should grow out of , and build upon , what has been learned before .
26 The main difficulty from our point of view was that AIB was not organised in a manner that lent itself to giving instruction .
27 He did not doubt for an instant that once he explained things to his brother , once he made him see what assets were available and how they could be used , Jean-Paul would rise from his lethargy and be as engaged , as excited , and as determined , as Edouard .
28 However , the study was not designed in a way that would allow the conclusion that physicians were as accurate as psychiatrists in their diagnoses and recommendations .
29 The answer did not finish with the statement that for all the natural beauty above ground , Lesotho had no wealth below .
30 You 're doing it wrong if you 're not looking at the person that you 're trying to persuade .
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