Example sentences of "not [verb] [pron] [to-vb] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ They stated that they did not want him to exist in this fashion . ’
2 This is not because it is so special or secret that I do not want to divulge it — indeed the patient will remember it quite well for himself — but because I do not want him to listen to that tape at some future date and begin to regress himself when I am not there to take charge of the situation .
3 Judge Peter Greenwood remanded Gillespie in custody for medical reports , but told him , ‘ I do not want you to think for one moment that you are not facing a custodial sentence . ’
4 This authority is taking a somewhat different view to that public inquiry than the erm the highways authority er after shire hill er erm so I I think if we were to take a decision tonight it could affect our position at the public inquiry adversely er and I would not want us to get into that situation so I think to some extent er councillor timing on this motions is wrong and we should n't be be er discussing it now .
5 The Government must recognise that there needs to be a positive approach to young offenders if we are not to encourage them to grow into hardened and repetitive offenders .
6 Alice did not know what to say to this .
7 Robert did not know what to say to this .
8 If a child did not know what to make of this question Piaget would prompt him : ‘ When you walk , you walk with feet ; well then , when you think , what do you think with ? ’
9 I did not know what to make of these people until , years later , I read the novels of François Mauriac .
10 He can not bring himself to believe in dark powers and evil forces as expressed in biblical language .
11 One should not expect her to resort to military force ‘ whenever she can get away with it ’ : if nothing else , she needs to keep the world 's ‘ useful idiots ’ in business .
12 But if the electrons in the inversion layer are connected to a reservoir , as we have asserted to explain the plateaux , one would not expect them to behave like free , independent particles .
13 She will not like me to refer to this time when she is better , Dorothea thought , she will avoid my company and we will only wish one another the most formal good morning .
14 Max Weber was an ardent nationalist whose political sociology was guided by the principle of the ‘ primacy of the interests of the nation state ’ , which he enunciated vigorously in his inaugural lecture at Freiburg in 1895 ; but he did not set himself to examine with any thoroughness the grounds of such ‘ primacy ’ .
15 Is not to persuade them to change on that call .
16 I 'm not expecting you to invest in new technology to take advantage of this architecture .
17 I 'm equally confident that the higher direction of MI5 and those operating today do not have anything to do with this , nor have they done so at any time .
18 In these schools , while national legislation will nudge staff to introduce procedures for involving and informing parents where this is required by law , it will not encourage them to go beyond such procedures to establish the kinds of voluntary open dialogue and day-to-day collaboration which can do so much to enhance the quality of a child 's education .
19 Well , I said to her , told her about not having nowt to eat from that Wednesday morning , er Wednesday dinner time , till Thursday when they went
20 I 'm not having owt to do with this !
21 She had not known what to expect from this side of marriage since there was no literature available to her on the subject and her mother had told her nothing .
22 However space does not permit me to digress into this topic .
23 When the children grew up they had a restricted freedom because the ‘ little people ’ did not permit them to go beyond certain points on a piece of land so the giants rebelled against this , thus starting a war .
24 She would not permit herself to look at that either .
25 You see , when Wolsey fell from power and died in Leicester Abbey , crushing my hand and whispering , ‘ If I had served my God as well as I served my king , he would not leave me to die like this , ’ Agrippa transferred his allegiance to Henry and brought those two witches over to build a special clock .
26 I can not get myself to react with critical coolness towards this music ; every tissue , every nerve vibrates in me and it is a long time since I had such an enduring feeling of rapture as when listening to the latter overture . "
27 Whenever Annunciata came to fetch the child she was firm : he must go at once or otherwise his mother would be displeased and might not allow him to come at all .
28 If you have made a choice and are happy with it , then it is no one else 's concern and you should not allow yourself to suffer from externally-imposed guilt .
29 Apathy , that dead state , does not allow us to recharge at all .
30 It was hateful to have to be like that , and usually she did not allow herself to think on those lines , but it was there and had to be recognized as a factor .
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