Example sentences of "not [verb] [verb] [pers pn] [prep] [num] " in BNC.

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1 If I can help further please do not hesitate to contact me on 081 840 7879 Peter Fabian Director of Fundraising
2 If you feel that you , or any group that you are associated with , could avail of our facilities , please do not hesitate to contact us at 0762 342669 or write to us at Craigavon Sprite Watersports Centre
3 The full calendar will be confirmed in November 1991 , please do not hesitate to contact us on 0920 463900 for further information .
4 I 'll have a go , but I 'm not going to do it for two or three
5 trip and if you 're not going to divide it into three .
6 You take off , you 've got twenty two pounds , once , twenty eight pounds once you 've taken off the policy fee , but you 're not going to multiply it by twenty eight , you 're going to multiply by , how many tens , two point eight , yes ?
7 This is where my parents and my girlfriend Mandy were really magnificent ; without them I would not have made it into 1986 .
8 As his next letter , dated 11 January showed , the Spender book could not have reached me before 12 January at the earliest , and I wanted to keep to the length of an article .
9 I do n't yet know what their comments will be and I ‘ m not trying to influence them in one direction or another .
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