Example sentences of "not [verb] [noun] [prep] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Loughlin , out until Christmas , broke his arm playing for Great Britain against New South Wales Country , and Saints have been told that insurance does not cover players on international duty .
2 This section does not cover failure of public transport services caused by strike , riot or civil commotion in respect of which warning has been given prior to the commencement of departure from home .
3 Brazil , a significant trading partner of Iraq , joined the embargo but emphasised that this did not cover food for humanitarian uses .
4 Does not affect survival in intensive care units
5 There are two magnetic conditions , which do not affect orientation on sunny days ( left ) but do on overcast days ( right ) .
6 Unless sites are discovered by accident ( when a new road cuts through a prehistoric cemetery , for example ) most methods of discovery do not locate sites with sufficient accuracy for excavation to take place with confidence .
7 The main conclusion about education and employment was that purely educational aims came first : schools should not prepare pupils for particular types of employment ; industry itself benefited from the teaching and learning of basic educational skills .
8 Any change data are thus inevitably incomplete and do not make allowance for potential voting patterns in the many very safe Labour wards where councillors were returned unopposed .
9 Mr Whitelaw dealt with the question normally by saying that it was no doubt a suitable kind of punishment for schoolboys , but it did not make sense for judicial use , especially because of the delay between offence and punishment .
10 Do not make favourites of certain remedies as the smaller lesser used remedies which might be more helpful will be overlooked .
11 So far chemical methods had failed to produce purification , and it had also turned out that matter precipitated from dirty water would not make fertilizer of great value .
12 Its calculations are all relatively local ones : neurones do not make contact with other neurones at any great distance in the same cortical region .
13 * Do not make coffee with boiling water .
14 Although most DNA is in the B form , whose structure was originally determined by Watson and Crick , there is no reason why the cell should not make use of other forms as well , and indeed Alex Rich ( MIT ) described a protein binding with high affinity to the left-handed helix of Z-DNA that he first described .
15 I enjoyed reading your material , but after consideration I 'm afraid to say that I can not make use of short stories .
16 Japan did not want war against Tsarist Russia but was determined to fight unless positive assurances were forthcoming that Russia would cease to meddle in Korean affairs .
17 For practical reasons , the Commission decided not to include suitability for immediate use , spare parts and servicing facilities in the list .
18 Because the Company was intended to provide an opportunity for all English merchants interested in the Indian trade to take part , it did not treat shareholdings as permanent commitments .
19 Later emperors did not regard suzerainty in central Italy as having passed to the popes by these donations .
20 The specific reasons for this are not known but are connected with the wider trend of not allowing claims for economic loss in negligence actions .
21 From this viewpoint cultural rules are not given determinants of individual action but are continually built up and broken down as the result of individual choices and decisions .
22 The remaining techniques have not given rise to general-purpose instruments but have proved useful in particular experiments .
23 In conclusion , a smog alert system should be developed and considered very carefully before being introduced , to ensure that advice to the public is appropriate and does not cause unnecessary anxiety , that any measures proposed to reduce emissions temporarily are directed towards the most relevant sources , and that it does not weaken efforts towards longer-term reductions in air pollution .
24 Policy-makers and commentators in many countries of the world have often assumed that small farmers and peasants in mountainous and/or environmentally degraded areas will abandon their hillside plots if given other opportunities elsewhere , so that the state by various means can ease population pressure on steep slopes by encouraging or at least not inhibiting colonisation of new areas .
25 Bush rejected the campaign finance bill , the first such measure to have been approved by Congress in more than a decade of partisan dispute over the issue , on the grounds that it offered public subsidies to House and Senate candidates and because it did not eliminate donations from political action committees ( PACs ) .
26 we can not predict outcomes with absolute certainty since individuals can take remedial action in the light of our forecasts .
27 This animal does not strip bark like other squirrels , but merely removes flakes of the large smooth-barked trees with low levels of hydrolysable tannins .
28 This is an important change and I am glad that we have got away from the odious and patronising attitude of so many local education authorities — particularly Labour local education authorities — that say that one can not trust parents with objective information about how their children 's schools are doing .
29 Many statutory services are not keeping pace with demographic change .
30 The liberals wanted to promote a modern secular understanding of religion as a largely private matter which should be pursued in such a manner as not to offend people of other religions .
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