Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun sg] [v-ing] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Raising her gaze , she saw Ross 's tall figure standing beside the bed .
2 Try I fall in love too easily for the young Marsalis 's strong sound gelling with the experience of the rhythm section .
3 On the hon. Gentleman 's specific point relating to the early-day motion , Coal Products Ltd. , like any other company , is governed by strict environmental regulations introduced by this Government .
4 A review by M.S.P. in the Cape Times ( 30 September 1944 ) of the University 's Junior Ballet appearing at the Little Theatre remarked on his ‘ debut in Cape Town ballet , and a very impressive one too ’ as Pierrot in St Valentine 's Night .
5 For example in the UK , the range of vocabulary can be indicative of level of education attained ; this can influence the type of job procured which determines economic bracket of income and in turn determines the person 's social class according to the Registrar-General 's classification ( p. 272 ) .
6 The reason why Berg ultimately failed was Esal 's failure as a business and Berg 's unsuccessful commodity dealing in the year ended March 1984 .
7 Dot saw the curly mass of Gloria 's dark hair lying on the pillow of a similar but separate bed alongside .
8 From 1966 until he left office in 1968 , Johnson 's personal approval rating with the American people stayed below 50% .
9 Now objectors have contacted the council 's chief executive complaining about the way the site meeting was conducted .
10 A PLAN to combat the coalfield crisis was proposed in Bishop David 's pastoral letter dealing with the national outcry which followed the Government plans to close pits .
11 We just saw Eddie 's tiny figure coming through the entrance in an open Land Rover before we collapsed in hysterical relief .
12 The Celtic fields ; Iron Age and Roman farms , all still detectable from the air ; the Dark Age village along the river bank with its ghostly , ghastly cemetery on the hill where a woman was buried alive and her skeletal fingers dug into the rough chalk sides of her grave ; nearby Winchester , the old Saxon capital ; the warpath at the top of my lane ; the mill I live in , founded in the days of Alfred 's great grandson , and reinforcements for the Conqueror 's victorious army trotting past the site of our bus shelter .
13 Half-way down the stairs he could hear Father Poole 's feeble voice moaning through the letter-box .
14 Alfred 's contorted body lying in the little hut .
15 Shaun , of Hartlepool , Cleveland , said he was too tense to watch Saturday 's great race sitting on the sofa .
16 ‘ It 's Easy To See ’ recalls The Door' blues mutations , revving up only to rev down , John Critchley 's deep voice spreading over the song .
17 ‘ It 's Easy To See ’ recalls The Door' blues mutations , revving up only to rev down , John Critchley 's deep voice spreading over the song .
18 I saw the white of Tamesin , the dead King 's horse , as well as Alexander 's purple cloak blowing in the wind .
19 In any event , firms will have to comply with the Bank of England 's Grey Paper relating to the wholesale money markets if they deal in them , even if they are not in fact listed institutions , and so they may be subject to two tiers of regulation .
20 And in the Oxon Senior Cup third round ; Peppard five , Malborough one — Peppard 's goals ; after ten minutes , Sid Grover , fifteen minutes , Chris Maxted , twenty five minutes , Dave Smith , seventy five minutes , Dave Smith getting a second goal , eighty minutes , Kevin Watkins and Malborough 's only goal coming in the second half through Darrell Simpson ; so Peppard who do so well in the Oxford Senior Cup , Peppard five , Malborough one .
21 One can imagine the cloud-capped towers of Inigo Jones 's elegant Baroque soaring above the Fens .
22 D'Arcy sensed Chantal 's critical eye roving over the décor .
23 Time and again the images have a distilled beauty : the simple two-shot before the battle in which Krishna explains to the warrior Arjuna that ‘ Victory and defeat , pleasure and pain are all the same ’ , the sight of the nagaswaram ( the shawm-like musical instruments ) echoing their peals to the skies , Karna 's golden lance speeding through the air on its momentous flight to pierce the green-bellied Ghatotkatcha .
24 Pre-meeting of Wildlife Link 's biannual liaison meeting with the Forestry Committee , Duffryn House .
25 There is no national group comparable to East Germany 's New Forum waiting in the wings or person , with or without charisma , who seems likely to emerge as a de facto leader in the way that Lech Walesa emerged in Poland or Vaclav Havel did in Czechoslovakia .
26 He will propose a motion at Monday 's special meeting calling on the committee to reverse its decision .
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