Example sentences of "'s [adj] [noun sg] [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 Although procedurally they are selected by the appointments secretary at Downing Street , in practice the Queen is asked for her informal approval before a nomination is made : the prime minister 's private secretary writes to the Queen 's private secretary saying ‘ the
2 The UK 's economic slowdown adds to the uncertainty .
3 Sept. 17 : The EC 's Monetary Committee agrees to the temporary suspension of the lira from the ERM .
4 On the hon. Gentleman 's specific point relating to the early-day motion , Coal Products Ltd. , like any other company , is governed by strict environmental regulations introduced by this Government .
5 Mary MacArthur spoke in defence of married women 's high sickness claims to the Departmental Committee on National Health Insurance in 1914 , but she still feared that any improvement respecting their position under the scheme would ‘ discriminate in favour of the wage-earning woman as against her uninsured sister , whose need is often as great , [ and ] will result in a State premium on the industrial employment of married women ’ .
6 For example in the UK , the range of vocabulary can be indicative of level of education attained ; this can influence the type of job procured which determines economic bracket of income and in turn determines the person 's social class according to the Registrar-General 's classification ( p. 272 ) .
7 There was a crash as Tubby 's empty glass fell to the floor and he covered his face with his hands .
8 The tasting 's top mark went to the Waitrose non-vintage Blanc de Noirs
9 or , Thomas ( c. 1490–1555 ) , king 's printer under Henry VIII , was probably born about 1490 , since in his earliest testimony , under the surname Bercula , he named himself as printer and servant to John Rastell [ q.v. ] during the latter 's unsuccessful attempt to sail to the new world in 1517 .
10 At this juncture the Party 's chief agent suggested to the invited guests that it would perhaps be better to withdraw .
11 TAKING as their jumping off point Steve Geliot 's previous installation/exhibition devoted to the theme of the ocean and the sea , a number of first-year students on the BA Interior Design course at Teesside Polytechnic have been encouraged to come up with the son or is it daughter ? of Seascape .
12 Explanations , information and annotations in the user 's native language relate to the procedures and practice in the foreign language .
13 77 million of the Group 's exceptional charge relates to the cost of reorganising the Cruzcampo group .
14 Seeing Margaret begin to pull herself up , Maura 's natural kindness came to the fore .
15 But the Aga Khan 's solicitor , Matthew McCloy , said yesterday : ‘ You can take it that it is not His Highness 's present intention to appeal to the House of Lords . ’
16 Edward 's regular trail led to the nest-box area in the centre , where there were old trees and the open space with the big fallen mossy trunk on which he sat .
17 This , in our judgment , was the cardinal motivation behind Mrs Thatcher 's eventual decision to yield to the pressure for her resignation .
18 The Bear 's agressive capability belongs to the past .
19 In any event , firms will have to comply with the Bank of England 's Grey Paper relating to the wholesale money markets if they deal in them , even if they are not in fact listed institutions , and so they may be subject to two tiers of regulation .
20 Nasser 's lower-middle-class background contributed to the widening of his political interests beyond those imaginable to the fellahin , the peasantry ; while at the same time making him aware of the latter 's situation , and the political and economic oppression suffered .
21 The opt-out will be unsustainable and I applaud John 's sturdy determination to go to the Luxembourg Court if necessary to win the benefits from the new Social Chapter for British workers .
22 Rejecting the possibility of moves towards a multiparty political system , the plenum 's final document referred to the collapse of communist regimes in Eastern Europe , warning that'socialism is experiencing a difficult period " which " imperialists and reactionaries " were seeking to exploit .
23 The rising prestige of Ivan 's royal office went to the head of that gifted but vicious and unbalanced character .
24 Since a servant 's whole time belonged to the master or mistress , the housekeeper had a legal right to make this sort of demand , though various writers had asserted the need for servants to be allowed time to read and develop intellectually .
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