Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] at [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Equivalent amounts would come from the company 's income at the relevant time .
2 This weakened the Section 's influence at a crucial time and correspondingly strengthened the hand of the Treasury .
3 Provided that your material is newsworthy and you ensure that it lands on the right person 's desk at the right time , the chances are that it will be published .
4 This involved the production of large numbers of documents , many , if not all , of which were located in Germany ; the taking of depositions from representatives of the corporation , to be carried out in a designated office in Germany ; and interrogatories seeking information as the corporation 's organisation at the relevant time and the identity of employees engaged in work relevant to the ( products liability ) issue in the litigation .
5 If a recording artist comes to me without a publishing deal , I always insist IRS is considered for publishing as we can pay better percentage splits , do just as good a job , and help invest in an act 's career at a vital time .
6 Indeed , she could n't have got closer to doing what Cara wanted than to drive up to Vendelin Gajdusek 's house at the appointed time and ring his doorbell .
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