Example sentences of "'s [noun sg] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The street is closed by the Black Tower , part of the castle 's fortification system dating from the first half of the 12C .
2 Most of the trouble is at a children 's play area known as the Fort .
3 Hoping no one was watching , Coleman climbed the tower 's inspection ladder to look at the frequency allocation on the antennae .
4 The cat miaowed piteously again , and suddenly Virginia 's kind heart broke through the spell of fear and doubt that kept her feet glued to the path .
5 For example , the APU 's assessment framework consists of the following related dimensions : content ; learning outcome ; context ; mode of assessment .
6 Gorbachev 's resignation offer came in the middle of the second day 's debate .
7 The ITV 's Chart Show dispenses with a presenter entirely .
8 Dim scratchy advertisements for Ernie Calvert 's Watch Repairs and Gus Bentley 's Bike Shop appeared on the screen .
9 The nilgai 's woodland ancestry shows in the fact that it inhabits areas where there are at least some trees to give shelter during the hottest part of the day .
10 Hence , an operation in this task 's search space consists of a pair of play operations .
11 When I tired of writing press releases on new lube concepts I left Wartberg 's valve business to go to the Angstrom Corporation , where I worked on the launch of a new biscuit , the Pink Finger .
12 • Britain 's best loved soap opera , Coronation Street , will also have a smoky flavour later this autumn after filming took place on the Cheddleton-based North Staffs Railway 's picnic area looking towards the Knotty 's attractive base .
13 Also , my machine 's QVision card sits in a slow 8MHz ISA expansion slot , which restrains it considerably .
14 Thirty years later , I can still recall particular images — Alan Breck 's silver button set on a wooden cross and placed as a sign in the window of a but and ben ; redcoats prodding the heather with their bayonets while Breck and David Balfour sweltered out the day on the top of a huge granite boulder ; Breck lowering his belt so that Balfour could scramble up ; a chieftain 's hide-out somehow built using the trees .
15 At this point , the weapon 's guidance system switches into a preprogrammed routine in which it selects data about the particular target that it is aiming for .
16 The one thing that everyone knows about quantum theory is that it contains Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle acting as a limit upon our powers of exact knowledge .
17 AWI 's Movie Editor allows for a background to be scrolled automatically , at the rate you specify ( assuming you have the processor power to cope with the speed you have set ) .
18 I can see Doug 's fishing line bent like a hurricane palm .
19 So controversial has some of the advertising become that not long ago , a commercial for New England 's Ice Cream based on a spoof scene from the film When Harry Met Sally was thought too blatant for normal TV viewing .
20 Time for the Clothes Show Magazine 's expert team to step into the limelight and take a bow : award-winning hairdresser , Anthony Mascolo , from Toni & Guy , and fashion assistant Saska Graville , who 'd been chosen to work on Yuri 's new look .
21 Nicholson Baker 's telephone sex comes in a massive edition in Vox ( Penguin ) ; and there is Keith Waterhouse 's Unsweet Charity ( Sceptre ) .
22 The College Librarian 's desperate plea in last year 's Annual Report for help with the College 's Law Library led to a number of generous donations from individual Somervillians .
23 Anthony Saxton 's management training began with a major international cosmetics company , and he became Managing Director of an advertising agency before joining John Stork in 1978 , where he ran the UK division .
24 Under the Versaille 's Peace Treaty agreed after the Great War , the country of Czechoslovakia was created , which included an area known as ‘ Sudetenland ’ .
25 Ruth 's Medau training comes to the fore when she plans her class , and she has been commended for her ‘ whole-body ’ movement .
26 The television centre was occupied by the opposition on Sept. 21 , but their attempts to broadcast were prevented by the government 's cutting electricity supplies to the building , while Gamsakhurdia continued to broadcast from the Supreme Soviet building .
27 The chronic conversion of Warren Beatty 's turkey film wins by a landslide .
28 Photos of youngsters at a National Children 's Home project taken by the star adorn six fundraising BT phonecards .
29 With reference to figure 10.8(b) , application of Kirchhoff 's voltage law to the input circuit yields and since the closed-loop gain may be represented as This time the closed-loop input impedance is With regard to the output impedance , if is the input impedance of the feedback network , Kirchhoff 's laws applied to the output circuit give Assuming that the impedance of a source of e.m.f. connected to the input is negligible compared with , Kirchhoff 's voltage law applied to the input circuit yields Hence from which the closed-loop output impedance is Often the first term of this expression is negligible compared with the second in which case
30 Application of Kirchhoff 's voltage law gives for the current I. Taking the Laplace transformation with the help of relations ( 11.20 ) and ( 11.30 ) Hence , assuming that the current is zero up to time and making the inverse Laplace transformation with the aid of relations ( 11.20 ) and ( 11.32 ) when , in accordance with equations ( 4.19 ) and ( 4.21 ) of section 4.3 .
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