Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [was/were] [vb pp] up [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was still in the days when airmen 's tunics were buttoned UP to the neck .
2 Fishing boat nets torpedo A 1,000lb wartime aerial torpedo which became entangled in a fishing boat 's nets was blown up by bomb disposal experts last night .
3 Lesbian and Gay-Men 's Sub-Committees were set up in such a way as to give a high level of representation to people from outside the council 's structure , and to ensure that their voices could be heard .
4 Lockyer 's ideas were taken up in Germany by researchers such as Albrecht and Leugering , the latter of whom , in the 1920s , found alignments in his native Westphalia .
5 There was a moment 's hesitation , then the boy 's prints were flashed up on the screen , the computer superimposing them over the others .
6 Thus a bureau des fonds with a wide range of responsibilities including control of the ministry 's finances was set up in 1725 , a bureau du chiffre for the cyphering and decyphering of despatches in 1749 and a bureau des interprètes in 1768 .
7 The Party 's leaders were held up to the public 's scrutiny ; it was not the Party 's fault that some , those with speech defects in particular , failed to receive the customary standing ovation after their speeches from an enthusiastic conference , or that others , standing some way up the ladder of promotion , were pinched for drunken driving .
8 The occasion 's capacity for firing up , rather than wearing down , Scotland 's players was summed up by Aberdeen 's Stephen Wright , one of two new caps , the other being Hearts ' goalkeeper , Nicky Walker .
9 Also , unsecured creditors will often be deterred from seeking a winding-up since such creditors would readily appreciate the futility of such action where the company 's assets were charged up to the hilt .
10 The whole of the first day 's proceedings was taken up with debate on the new presidency , again featuring accusations principally by radical deputies of the potential for authoritarianism and dictatorship .
11 Dairyman Crick 's sleeves were rolled up from Monday to Saturday , and the milkers milked in the fields for coolness .
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