Example sentences of "'s [noun pl] [conj] [prep] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The committal order was sealed on 11 June 1992 and copies were then sent to M. 's solicitors and to the governor of the prison in which M. was held .
2 The breach with the inherited system lay not in Godoy 's policies but in the relegation to impotence of the trained bureaucrats who had been the servants of Charles III ; it lay in the scandalous origins and untrammelled nature of his power as the queen 's supposed lover and the ‘ dearest friend ’ of the complaisant Charles IV .
3 Last night the Londonbased Society for Black Lawyers called for a public inquiry into the men 's cases and for the dismissal of the officers involved in their arrest .
4 It was his eighth goal in 10 games of a season in which he has been badly affected by injury and left out of Taylor 's plans because of a question mark over his match-fitness .
5 A live match on Mondays was part of the Premier League 's plans because of the success in the United States of the televised NFL American football game .
6 Mr Lyon believes he will be able to discover Thomson 's plans because of an agreement giving his union the right to discuss any relevant employment or investment matter with senior managers .
7 For the players , there was the prospect of returning to their day jobs with £50 in their pockets , for the landlord there was a healthy night 's takings and for the crowd , even those who had stayed in the bar all evening , there was a nasty ringing in the ears the next morning .
8 Two considerations ended Ferdinand 's doubts as to the possibility of defying liberalism .
9 Lucien found it hard to doubt Azmaveth 's words because of the zeal with which she spoke , but he still had difficulty believing her .
10 The answer is in RSC Ord 65 , r4 , under which the court can , on an ordinary application for substituted service with the usual evidence of attempts , make an order for substituted service on the defendant 's insurers or on the Motor Insurers ' Bureau .
11 The action was taken at the request of the company 's directors and in a statement dated April 30th Mr Dipankar Ghosh of the receivers Price Waterhouse commented that ‘ there is already strong interest in these businesses and early signs are very encouraging .
12 He breezed through the ‘ school cert ’ ( which he had to take in UCS 's cellars because of the air raids ) got a First and a doctorate at Imperial then went on to research posts here and in America .
13 The routine at this stage never varied It was unlikely that he would find it necessary to leave his office until the time came to visit the missing girl 's parents and in the meantime he was capable of giving the usual orders while half asleep — which he very nearly was , having been called from his bed not much after five in the morning .
14 Little Ethel Helliwell heard about John 's auditions while in the middle of a rehearsal for the Tower show :
15 Although you could n't see the greengrocer 's feet because of the apron .
16 Thus when in 1304 Archbishop Corbridge of York admitted to a canonry a papal providee instead of a royal presentee , he was summoned for contempt and was told by the king 's judges that as the pope 's acts were not subject to the English courts , no one should prosecute anything at Rome or elsewhere to the detriment of crown rights and royal dignity .
17 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matters but with the awl .
18 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matters but with the awl .
19 I meddle with no tradesmen 's matters nor women 's matters but with the awl .
20 The agent and artist do n't care what happens to the other 50p , whether it is spent either as the show 's costs or as the promoter 's profit .
21 Thus the symphony of Genesis ended on a series of strong major chords that sounded high hope for God 's purposes and for the redemption of the world .
22 He made a major contribution to production methods in the railway 's workshops and to the use of improved metallurgy , in locomotive and rolling-stock construction , as well as being an advocate of the use of superheated steam and compound expansion to increase locomotive power and efficiency .
23 It might also involve feeding times ; during the daytime , meals would be given more readily in response to the child 's cries than during the night .
24 At the same meeting , the Council received reports of visits to Borough Polytechnic ( soon to become South Bank Polytechnic ) by three of the Council 's boards and by the Council itself , and the combined visiting party had ‘ expressed complete satisfaction about the organization of the College ’ and its facilities , with the exception of its inadequate computing facilities .
25 The audit report should state whether , in the opinion of the auditors , the accounts have been properly prepared in accordance with the Companies Act 1985 and give a true and fair view of the state of the group 's and the company 's affairs and of the group 's profit or loss for the year .
26 This concern has expressed itself not only in papers on children 's acquisition of literacy ( e.g. , Donaldson , 1984 , 1989 ) , but also in the publication of a number of children 's stories and of a reading and language programme for children in primary classrooms ( Reid and Donaldson , 1984 ) .
27 She saw herself perhaps as an Elizabeth Bowen heroine — for one did not openly identify oneself with Jane Austen 's heroines and To The North was her favourite novel .
28 Critics , however , say it has become meaningless and out of touch with young people 's tastes and despite the Christmas boost singles sales are slumping dramatically .
29 An echo of this criticism survives in Goya 's Caprichos and in the poetry of Meléndez Valdés , vague but radical in its humanitarianism : one of the Salamantine group , the Abbé Marchena became a French propagandist , appealing to Spain to destroy the Inquisition and imitate the ‘ sublime ’ revolution of France .
30 The Law Society also issued a set of written professional standards concerning communications with clients , with the broad aim ( now enshrined in Solicitors ' Practice Rule 15 ) of ensuring that clients are kept regularly and fully informed in layman 's terms as to the course and conduct of their affairs ; as to the identity of the solicitor or other person in the firm having day to day conduct of the matter ; as to the nature of the legal issues raised in the case ; as to the progress being made ; as to the cost ( including the availability of legal aid ) ; and as to the prospects of success .
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