Example sentences of "'s [noun] was [verb] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Trudie 's award was presented by popstar Cliff Richard who thinks her efforts are an example to everyone …
2 Until after the 1939–45 war , nearly all the country 's milk was transported by rail .
3 On 21 August 1881 Smith 's yacht was nipped between pack ice and land floe off Cape Flora , sinking in two hours .
4 Stalin 's humility was put on record in the official history of the Soviet Communist Party — at his own suggestion .
5 The ship 's course was altered to north-northeast to enable HMS Impregnable to clear the notorious Bembridge ledges .
6 The Leviathan 's skin was made of chain-mail and repelled any arrows or spears .
7 He completed a circular slash as he descended and Alexei 's shield was bathed in yellow below the waist .
8 Not surprisingly , Dr Mumby 's sentence was greeted with exasperation by the quality press , particularly in the areas where Dr Mumby practises .
9 When Brihtric 's daughter was wooed by Godwin the agreement made at Kingston in Cnut 's presence was recorded in triplicate : one copy was deposited at Christ Church Canterbury , and the second at St Augustine 's , but Brihtric himself kept the third .
10 The back of Tutankhamun 's throne was covered in sheet gold , and according to the Bible King Solomon 's ( 970–933 B.C. ) , mounted on a dais with six steps , was sheathed in ivory overlaid by gold .
11 Schmidt 's chest was crowning with effort , like an asthmatic in a sawmill .
12 As Percivall noted in 1843 ‘ One of the Professor 's projects was crowned with signal success ; and for this his name must be handed to posterity with no ordinary eclat — I mean his introduction of Ventilation into stables and other places used as the habitations of horses and cattle .
13 The boy 's hair was plastered with ghee , or clarified butter , as evidence of his achievement .
14 Expertly held , the monkey began whimpering again , his sad eyes looking at them imploringly , and Sophie 's heart was wrung with pity .
15 The patient 's heart was removed for transplantation , and the recipient is making excellent progress .
16 A turbulent third day 's debate at the Congress of People 's Deputies was marked by emotion and alarms over a report — later discounted — that troops were approaching the Kremlin .
17 Delight over Iraq 's defeat was tempered by anxiety that President Saddam Hussein had survived the war , and that a refocusing of international attention on a new post-war Middle East " order " would inevitably involve attempts to settle the Palestinian issue .
18 The Committee was equivocal on this , but recommended a formulation which would be broad enough to encompass these wider factors — ‘ the balance of the woman 's mind was disturbed by reason of the effect of giving birth or circumstances consequent upon that birth ’ .
19 Evidence that Perot 's candidacy was growing in popularity in late October led to hints by both the Bush and Clinton camps that Perot could be included in a future Cabinet .
20 Faced with a deficit of $3,500 million for the 1991/92 fiscal year , the city 's administration was obliged by law to agree upon a balanced budget or face the prospect of being forced to allow the Finance Control Board ( a state watchdog ) to take over its finances .
21 When forced to do so , the president 's action was greeted by applause : the fact that the president was Alfrink of Utrecht added piquancy to the event .
22 Jesty 's experiment was met by hostility in the neighbourhood and , labelled inhuman , he was ‘ hooted at , reviled and pelted whenever he attended markets in the neighbourhood ’ .
23 Gradually the Friar 's self-reproach was overcome by anger directed at those who had caused it .
24 The whole tangled web of each other 's relationships was getting to breaking-point .
25 In Jammu and Kashmir president 's rule was extended with effect from March 3 .
26 It gave no details of his medical condition but an ANC spokesman said the movement 's president was suffering from exhaustion .
27 Iida 's aircraft was holed by Finn and other gunners and he crashed deliberately on a road near the officer 's quarters , one of the undercarriage wheels bounced through a house and the engine of the aircraft landed a ¼ mile away .
28 The Court 's reasoning was based on personality , capacity , and functionalism , not the treaty law principle of res inter alios acta .
29 East Berlin 's industry was plunged into crisis by the overnight arrival of the deutschmark a year ago .
30 The SDA 's investment was made in accordance with our normal commercial criteria to help to strengthen the financial and business position of an expanding company , headquartered in Scotland , which is prepared to provide the prospect of continued growth .
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