Example sentences of "'s [noun] of [noun sg] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Jonathan Culler 's brand of structuralism recasts the codes and conventions of structuralist poetics as a form of ‘ literary competence ’ that the reader has mastered or internalised before he or she approaches the text , and which can then be adduced as an explanation for the particular interpretation that s/he then gives of it .
2 William Shirer , whose CBS broadcasts went out from the Rundfunkhaus , noted in his diary that Goebbels 's Ministry of Propaganda thought the drawling nasal voice ‘ wholly unfit for broadcasting ’ .
3 Rule 2(a) of the authority 's Rules of Management gave the schools ' Managers ( now , since the 1980 Education Act , called ‘ governors ’ ) responsibility for the ‘ oversight of the conduct of the curriculum of the school , in consultation with the headteacher ’ .
4 * * Joseph Conrad 's Heart of Darkness gives a hint of something similar .
5 The development of what we still see as the modern corporation began with Pierre S. du Pont 's restructuring of his family company in the early twenties and continued with Alfred P. Sloan 's redesign of General Motors a few years later .
6 The men 's fear of change took the form of vociferously defending the status quo in which after all they had everything to lose .
7 Instead of a tantrum and the ensuing row that prove so reinforcing of defiant behaviour , the mother 's words of approval increase the likelihood of future co-operative behaviour .
8 Bereiter 's mention of syntax provides a timely cue for looking at another area of research into writing development which , it was hoped , would give us clear indicators of development through the years of schooling .
9 Professor Charles Robertson of Strathclyde University 's department of architecture confirmed the gloomy prognosis .
10 Coincidentally , the UK Government 's Department of Health launches a ‘ Help us to help you ’ campaign , wherein sick people are advised how not to waste the limited funds available for their treatment ( ‘ … remember to cancel appointments if they can not be kept … ’ ) and reminded by the Secretary of State for Health that ‘ Our primary care system is also the source of considerable envy abroad ’ , as I was reminded again during a recent trip to Russia .
11 The truth is perhaps that Lévi-Strauss 's conception of structure has no greater intrinsic value than Radcliffe-Brown 's — although it is made to carry a vastly more elaborate analytical superstructure .
12 The relatively recent introduction of regulatory prohibitions has been associated with an extension of the law 's conception of criminality to embrace a notion of social harm in addition to one of individual guilt , characteristic of traditional crime ( cf.
13 It is curious indeed to see in how many ways Gandhi 's conception of power seems a mirror image to that of the British , even if , as in the case of fasting , he sometimes employed techniques of Hindu origin to obtain his ends .
14 Newton 's law of gravitation has no explicit time dependence , implying that gravitational effects are transmitted instantaneously to all parts of the Universe ; however , it is a basic postulate of SR that signals travel no faster than the speed of light .
15 The Bank 's articles of association require an official guarantee for its loans ; in effect , they oblige the Bank to lend to governments .
16 They will be invited to vote on the Ford takeover terms and also to change the company 's articles of association to allow a single investor to buy more than 15 per cent of the shares at an extraordinary meeting scheduled for December 1 .
17 It is necessary to examine the company 's Articles of Association to ascertain the procedure for the declaration of dividends .
18 The hon. Gentleman 's point of order constitutes a clear continuation of Question Time .
19 It may be preferable from the warrantor 's point of view to use the subjective phrase ‘ so far as he is aware ’ to reduce the risk of constructive knowledge .
20 We fitted our seat belts this February and then concentrated on painting her flying surfaces — the paint-spraying booth at Malcolm 's place of work helped a great deal !
21 For the first time Theda 's veneer of composure cracked a little .
22 Charles 's avoidance of battle denied the English their chance of victory , but he could not succeed in driving the English out of their strongholds around Calais and Bordeaux which they had the will and the resources to defend .
23 Ian 's moment of glory came a few days later .
24 Lukács 's concept of reification extends the theory of ideology by showing one of the mechanisms by which it is effective in obscuring class relations .
25 The need to survive is , after all , the most basic instinct we have , and it is necessary to use one 's powers of intuition to detect the change of mind which may well accompany the facing of possible extinction .
26 But it took all of a week 's ration of time to restore the plot to its pre-holiday weed-free state .
27 the working party should meet again in March to refine its thinking and , perhaps , invite the WTB 's Head of Policy to join the meeting at some point ;
28 Although in no sense a general theory , Foucault 's notion of power reformulates the problem of agency and determinism which had beset Sartre and many others by focusing on the possibility of making intelligible the strategies and techniques of local operations of power without relying on the dialectic of ideology and the consciousness of subjects , or on their corollary , the assumption that power operates globally and homogeneously .
29 Darwin 's theory of evolution incorporates the principle of natural selection , which suggests that animals change according to their surroundings , developing adaptations — over several generations — which enhance their ability to survive in particular habitats .
30 Bakhtin 's theory of dialogism had a significant influence on French theorists of the late 1960s , and many of their conceptions of the disruptive power of certain kinds of language follow a similar logic .
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