Example sentences of "'s [noun] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The street is closed by the Black Tower , part of the castle 's fortification system dating from the first half of the 12C .
2 Most of the trouble is at a children 's play area known as the Fort .
3 Hoping no one was watching , Coleman climbed the tower 's inspection ladder to look at the frequency allocation on the antennae .
4 The cat miaowed piteously again , and suddenly Virginia 's kind heart broke through the spell of fear and doubt that kept her feet glued to the path .
5 For example , the APU 's assessment framework consists of the following related dimensions : content ; learning outcome ; context ; mode of assessment .
6 Hearing Kernaghan 's Bangor accent run through the Republic 's chances sounds so odd , though .
7 Gorbachev 's resignation offer came in the middle of the second day 's debate .
8 The ITV 's Chart Show dispenses with a presenter entirely .
9 Dim scratchy advertisements for Ernie Calvert 's Watch Repairs and Gus Bentley 's Bike Shop appeared on the screen .
10 The nilgai 's woodland ancestry shows in the fact that it inhabits areas where there are at least some trees to give shelter during the hottest part of the day .
11 Cottee got two again last night — returning after five months on the sidelines to stop Dalglish 's £10million side striding to the top of the Premier League .
12 Hence , an operation in this task 's search space consists of a pair of play operations .
13 When I tired of writing press releases on new lube concepts I left Wartberg 's valve business to go to the Angstrom Corporation , where I worked on the launch of a new biscuit , the Pink Finger .
14 • Britain 's best loved soap opera , Coronation Street , will also have a smoky flavour later this autumn after filming took place on the Cheddleton-based North Staffs Railway 's picnic area looking towards the Knotty 's attractive base .
15 The military-style event took place yesterday at the Southlands Centre , Ormesby Road , Middlesbrough , where 80 students from the town 's Longlands College came under the scrutiny of Divisional Officer J Doyle , training officer for Cleveland Fire Brigade .
16 Also , my machine 's QVision card sits in a slow 8MHz ISA expansion slot , which restrains it considerably .
17 Thirty years later , I can still recall particular images — Alan Breck 's silver button set on a wooden cross and placed as a sign in the window of a but and ben ; redcoats prodding the heather with their bayonets while Breck and David Balfour sweltered out the day on the top of a huge granite boulder ; Breck lowering his belt so that Balfour could scramble up ; a chieftain 's hide-out somehow built using the trees .
18 At this point , the weapon 's guidance system switches into a preprogrammed routine in which it selects data about the particular target that it is aiming for .
19 The couple 's children , Simon , 12 , and Christopher , 8 , were found dead in Gomes 's Volvo car parked near the same housing estate five hours later .
20 The one thing that everyone knows about quantum theory is that it contains Heisenberg 's uncertainty principle acting as a limit upon our powers of exact knowledge .
21 AWI 's Movie Editor allows for a background to be scrolled automatically , at the rate you specify ( assuming you have the processor power to cope with the speed you have set ) .
22 Buller 's Hill House came as a surprise .
23 An adaptation of Jane Austen 's Mansfield Park opens at The Redgrave Theatre , on May 6th , and this week the cast took a break from rehearsals to visit the author 's home at Chawton .
24 I can see Doug 's fishing line bent like a hurricane palm .
25 So controversial has some of the advertising become that not long ago , a commercial for New England 's Ice Cream based on a spoof scene from the film When Harry Met Sally was thought too blatant for normal TV viewing .
26 Time for the Clothes Show Magazine 's expert team to step into the limelight and take a bow : award-winning hairdresser , Anthony Mascolo , from Toni & Guy , and fashion assistant Saska Graville , who 'd been chosen to work on Yuri 's new look .
27 Nicholson Baker 's telephone sex comes in a massive edition in Vox ( Penguin ) ; and there is Keith Waterhouse 's Unsweet Charity ( Sceptre ) .
28 The College Librarian 's desperate plea in last year 's Annual Report for help with the College 's Law Library led to a number of generous donations from individual Somervillians .
29 Anthony Saxton 's management training began with a major international cosmetics company , and he became Managing Director of an advertising agency before joining John Stork in 1978 , where he ran the UK division .
30 Under the Versaille 's Peace Treaty agreed after the Great War , the country of Czechoslovakia was created , which included an area known as ‘ Sudetenland ’ .
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