Example sentences of "'s [noun] [modal v] have been [adj] " in BNC.

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1 On the contrary , law-giving was an important part of Christian kingship , and there are consequently good reasons for thinking that some aspects of Wulfstan 's activities would have been welcome to him , for he was certainly concerned to appear the Christian king ( see Chapter 4 ) .
2 Anselm found this retreat difficult to accept ; after his own loyalty to the terms of the papal decree , the pope 's vacillation and suggestion of over-reaction on Anselm 's part must have been hard to swallow .
3 Judge Lifland 's decision may have been right .
4 Resentment of Wolsey 's experiment must have been due largely to its extension to the relatively ( though far from inarticulate ) poor of the burden normally confined to the rich .
5 His coinage system seems to have been in good order for most of the reign , although its development and exploitation for the king 's benefit may have been another cause of popular unrest .
6 Alderman Glover said that the corporation 's record would have been better had they not handed over some of their schemes ready-made to the NIHT .
7 There , paradoxically , the complex of reasons had included the need to focus on the interests of minorities and avoid racism : presumably Una Marson 's poems would have been safe with them .
8 Francesca 's attention would have been undivided as well , as that lunch had taken place before Tristram had managed to get himself so comprehensively into trouble .
9 Their immediate neighbours were Joshua Burn , a grocer , at no. 6 , and James Bradnam , butcher , at no. 5 ; one can only hope that Mr. Bradnam kept his slaughterhouse at a decent distance from his retail premises — the very special aromas of a butcher 's and a grocer 's shop must have been enough to discourage many a potential guest at Miscellaneous Repos , without the sound of dying cries from butchered beasts .
10 Pumlumon 's spell must have been better than we thought . ’
11 He knew , as well , that Tree Spirits cling tenaciously to their homes until those homes become untenable because of the Tree dying and drying and he thought that Miach 's spell must have been stronger than any of them had thought for it to draw the Spirits so filly and so firmly into the open .
12 He said that , had the auditors refused to sign an unqualified report , the effect on Berg 's affairs would have been insignificant .
13 Which means that from Slains they took some old route perhaps across the Moss of Cruden , then crossed where the A92 runs now , and from the modern A950 , or a comparable road , went up to Strichen through the Forest of Deer : today 's byroads may have been old lanes or drovers ' trails .
14 For golfers , wearing the dress of the day , — tailored tweed jackets and trousers , leather boots , and carrying well-made bags of up to 30 heavy-weight clubs ( according to former 1920's caddy Charles Robins ) — the prospects of coping with certain of Henley 's holes must have been daunting without a caddie .
15 Sattareh 's father may have been autocratic , infuriatingly stingy and over 60 at the time of her birth , but he was also unusually enlightened .
16 Rudolf Diesel 's father might have been German but he was born in Paris .
17 The phones were red-hot at Torquay , with fans ringing to complain that Fashanu 's absence may have been instrumental in their 2-0 defeat .
18 Had he kicked three more penalties during the Bledisloe Cup series instead of watching them rebound off the posts or miss by a whisker , Fox 's average would have been identical to Hodgkinson 's twenty-eight points from his last two matches amounts to ample proof that he has made a complete recovery from the doldrums of Dublin last October when he spoke of retirement in the immediate aftermath of the All Blacks losing their titles .
19 Apart from a cinema , there were no real forms of entertainment ; mixing with Servicemen 's wives would have been one of the few ways of passing the days .
20 As a result of the threatened strike — in which the women 's participation would have been crucial — Neill 's came to a separate agreement with the men , signed the memorial and thus dropped out of the dispute during the month of August .
21 SSD director Martin Manby later said : ‘ With the benefit of hindsight — and the jury were referring to events in the 1970s — a thorough review of the foster home following Mrs Hanby 's illness would have been appropriate ’ .
22 Mujjaddedi had told media correspondents on May 31 that Hekmatyar 's men might have been responsible for the rocket attack on his aircraft on May 30 [ see p. 38915 ] .
23 Prinnie 's taste may have been exuberant but it was good .
24 Stewards said Charlie 's penalty would have been harsher had it not been his first race .
25 To us children , no Cinderella 's fairy-carriage could have been handsomer than the cab actually at the door .
26 Foinavon 's win may have been due at least in part to the somewhat unorthodox individual training of his young handler , John Kempton .
27 Dilettante 's answer would have been better if he could have shown that the Wilts case , though apparently relevant , was not conclusive on the question .
28 Oswiu 's involvement must have been minimal in all of them .
29 Few of Wagner 's admirers can have been satisfied .
30 You would have thought Magnus 's mother would have been nice to me but I bet Father had already telephoned and told her lies about me , because she made me wait in the hall until Nanny came to collect me in a taxicab .
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