Example sentences of "'s [noun] [be] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The Government 's response was a new scheme , introduced in 1997 after two years of negotiation and dispute with the POA , called ‘ Fresh Start ’ , under which prison officers can opt to work either 39 or 48 hours per week without overtime but with an improved basic salary .
2 To the right of Walker 's Gully is a steep wall with a series of exposed ramp/grooves running diagonally across it .
3 Peri 's prologue is a strophic solo with instrumental ritornello ; scene I ends with a 12-bar ‘ madrigalian ’ chorus of nymphs and shepherds ( composed by Caccini in both operas ) which serves as refrain to brief solos by two nymphs and a shepherd , and the other scenes have similar finales , those to 2 and 4 also by Caccini .
4 Apollo 's cloak is a dark purple , the Muse 's dress a lighter red-brown .
5 Further evidence of the effectiveness of 1 Squadron 's operations was a single day in February 1956 when seven of the eight Lincolns carried out two bombing sorties , dropping 196,000lbs of bombs in the 24 hour period .
6 Green 's text is a major work of scholarship and an important contribution to our knowledge of Cubism , one lacuna in which is now filled with the publication , in this catalogue and by Christian Derouet , of the missing correspondence from 1915 to 1920 between Gris and Leonce Rosenberg , the artist 's dealer during that period .
7 Benson 's text is a welcome addition for those who treat female patients with various urogenital and anorectal complaints , and it should appeal to a broad range of readers , from medical students to subspecialist physicians .
8 Close by Philip 's foot was a rotten log .
9 The group 's co-ordinator in Wales , Margaret Minhinnick , said : ‘ David Bellamy 's support is a tremendous boost . ’
10 Davout 's tent was a few paces distant , lit by an enormous watchfire and guarded by a pair of sentries .
11 On balance , it is probably safer to use AJR procedure if there is doubt about whether one 's case is a public law case or not .
12 The probable cause in this child 's case was a viral infection .
13 New York 's X-Clan are a new kind of militant rap , based on action as well as words .
14 If my maternal brother is all sweetness and light , my father 's sister is a real dragon — a cold , formally distant aunt with whom no liberties are possible at all .
15 This rust-blood pouring from mortal wounds in the planet 's skin is a terrible indictment of the tyranny we climbers inflict .
16 WRESTED FROM obscurity and restored to something approaching its original state , Orson Welles ' 1952 film of Shakespeare 's play is a visual feast and an aural dog 's dinner .
17 Czartoryski 's Goluchow is a good example of the problems facing the altruistic grandee .
18 SCOTVEC 's decision is a forward step , designed to reflect the changing picture in vocational education and training .
19 The Court 's decision is a strong reaffirmation of the need for a State 's consent to be bound by a treaty to which it is not a party , and a denial of any automatic acceptance of a lawmaking regime .
20 The court decided that the leaflet was not sufficiently misleading to justify finding in the Borough 's favour ; but implicit in the court 's decision is a further decision that the court had jurisdiction to decide the issue of legality — in other words , that the decision to distribute the leaflet was amenable to judicial review .
21 King Husayn 's decision was a major blow for Israel 's Labour Party .
22 The Rev Donald Trotter of The Holy Trinity Parish Church in North Ormesby , said the council 's decision was a huge blow .
23 Faldo 's disqualification was a simple case to administer .
24 The mouse 's saviour is a ripe wheat grain .
25 In fact at one stage I thought this lack of drama might make poor reading , however , as I progressed I realised that the Club 's story was a neat piece of social-history entwined with personalities and tested by problems .
26 The Lincoln 's driver was a uniformed constable who climbed into the sunlight to open the car door for Billingsley .
27 The Committee 's proposals are a distinct improvement on the anomalies of the 1861 Act , but they leave these four issues open to doubt .
28 Changing somebody 's hours is a little bit different but
29 Croatia 's referendum was a joyless affair .
30 Lee revealed that Keegan 's presence was a major factor in his decision to join Newcastle .
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