Example sentences of "not been [adv] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 He was badly injured when a rowing boat , which he took on the lake sank , because it had not been properly maintained by the Trust .
2 They said they had not been properly consulted about the venue and formed a rival organisation , the Professional Chess Association , to manage the championship .
3 If you feel from the discussion around the table that the u requirements of York have not been properly reflected in the the published H One figure er and that there is a need to distribute that population , and therefore there is going to be a Greater York figure .
4 Are there periods in his career or aspects of his art which have not been properly appreciated in the past and which will be reassessed by your exhibition ?
5 It was highly reprehensible for a young girl who had not been properly initiated into the status of motherhood to become pregnant .
6 Some fresh-faced youth , who had not been properly introduced to the enemy , now had the nerve to try and take their place .
7 Resist may also be too thick or artwork film too opaque , and has not been thoroughly activated by the UV light — see above .
8 When the Court of Appeal held that the petitioner was not entitled to appeal as of right , the court was unfortunately and inadvertently and erroneously informed that the cancellation issue had not been finally determined by the judgment of the Court of Appeal delivered on 4 October 1991 .
9 There is , I think , no material distinction between interpreting the law for the purposes of applying it , having due regard to article 10 , and interpreting the law for the purposes of deciding , when the point has not been finally decided by the courts , whether the law does or does not provide to a local government authority the right to sue for libel .
10 In this spirit we take a model that has not been particularly studied in the literature but that remains close to the discussion of earlier sections .
11 That all thoughts of penal reform had not been completely shelved for the duration of hostilities was shown by a written answer to a Parliamentary Question addressed to the Home Secretary in April 1944 .
12 The criticisms outlined above have not been completely ignored by the planners , since , although the new structure plans still exhibit a keen adherence to key settlement policies ( National Council of Social Service 1979 ; Shaw and Williams 1981 ) , alternative settlement policies have also been considered .
13 As we will see in Chapter 8 , the judicial/administrative distinction has not been completely removed from the law of natural justice .
14 The alternative of a directly managed service with a bureaucratic chain from Whitehall to Whitehaven has not been considered appropriate , although the merits of the interposition of members between tiers of management have not been universally accepted in the NHS .
15 However , such analysis has not been effectively related to the study of the ageing process from the point of view of the individual .
16 Instead , public authorities become the representatives of ‘ residual constituencies that … have not been wholly absorbed into the dominant groups ’ , such as the ethnic and racial minorities , farm workers , unorganised industrial workers and those who are almost totally dependent upon the welfare state ; ‘ In other words , public authority has the constituency of the powerless ’ .
17 During the pilot study , because the local GPs had not been officially informed of the scheme that we were running , it was agreed that patients arriving with a GP letter would be seen by a doctor regardless of whether the complaint or injury fell within my parameters of practice .
18 So this was quite a mission which I believe has not been adequately covered in the history and was a forerunner of things to come and like I say we got through that mission without any damage , our gunners got to shoot at the first German fighters and we were an experienced crew with one mission under our belt .
19 ‘ In addition , anglers believe that the added value which angling brings to the region has not been adequately addressed by the Commission in recent years , ’ the statement adds .
20 In order to give effect to the original intention of the Directive , the House of Lords held that the Regulations should be construed purposively and read as if after the words " immediately before the transfer " the following words were added " or would have been so employed at the time of the transfer if he had not been unfairly dismissed in the circumstances described in reg 8(1) " , ( ie for a reason in connection with the transfer ) .
21 Whatever the reasons for inaction , rising unemployment has not been uniformly spread over the entire population , but instead has struck hardest at these who are already the most vulnerable .
22 The problem seemed to be that the job had not been openly offered on the market here in Britain , an impossible condition given the remit of the job .
23 The Court of Appeal in Fritschy [ 1985 ] 31 July LEXIS ( not reported in [ 1985 ] Crim LR 745 on this point ) said that they did not understand Lord Roskill 's comment , but anyway the accused was not guilty because he had done nothing in England which had not been expressly authorised by the victim when he collected krugerrands in England .
24 Whether an obviously biased intervention by a board member and the introduction of new material by an objector , which had not been previously intimated to the applicant amounted to breaches of natural justice was considered in Tennent Caledonian Breweries Ltd. v. City of Aberdeen District Licensing Board , 1987 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 2 .
25 There has already been a switch of emphasis away from sheltered housing for the elderly to other groups in special need , and what money has been available has been targetted to those areas which have not been well served in the past ( peripheral housing estates , remote areas and less attractive small towns ) , or to developments offering very special facilities ( eg sheltered housing for the elderly deaf ) .
26 The magnitude of complex carbohydrate malabsorption in exocrine pancreatic insufficiency has not been well quantified in the past .
27 One teacher I interviewed in my middle school study , for instance , felt she had not been well treated in the reorganization to a middle school set-up and had resisted the head 's attempts at change ‘ We do n't , some of us do n't change so easily ! ’
28 The country has not been well governed in the past four years .
29 where , despite the fact that the writ has not been duly served on the defendant , he acknowledges service of it ;
30 It is important to ensure that only current partners appear as lessees/trustees of partnership premises , if only to avoid any possibility that a retired partner who has not been duly replaced on the title could be regarded as still being held out as a member of the firm .
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