Example sentences of "not be [verb] into the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In fact the local psychiatrists shared a firm conviction that the older generation of the long-stay population should not be moved into the community .
2 This meant that characters acquired by the adult body could not be incorporated into the germ plasm and could not be inherited .
3 Those cultural practices that can not be incorporated into the culture-ideology of consumerism become oppositional counter-hegemonic forces , to be harnessed or marginalized , and if that fails , destroyed physically .
4 It is true that water and watery substances can not be absorbed into the bloodstream through the skin , although the upper layers will temporarily hold a little water .
5 Or , as Bernard Shaw more eloquently put it , ‘ The ocean of Socialism can not be poured into the pint pot of a nineteenth century parliament . ’
6 That way he will not be bumping into the Lady Jinneth again in such a hurry .
7 In fact it is arguable whether such dualistic conditions ever existed anyway : marginal groups which could not be assimilated into the category of the working class were merely relegated by Marx to the Lumpenproletariat .
8 To be more precise : the active working-class militant or potential leader must be by definition an ‘ agitator ’ , since he could not be fitted into the stereotype of obedience , dullness and stupidity .
9 The very shrillness with which bourgeois civilisation insisted that woman was essentially a spiritual being implied both that men were not , and that the obvious physical attraction between the sexes could not be fitted into the system of values .
10 In the first three years of a Service 's Long-Term Costing after the actual estimates year , there seems to be a bow-wave of requirements that can not be fitted into the programme .
11 One influence is the fact that eurobonds can not be sold into the United States before the end of a 90-day seasoning period and must be registered .
12 He must not be drawn into the sphere of those responsible for preventing accidents , for this would prejudice his independence and impartiality in the investigation of any subsequent accident .
13 According to Pat Corrigan of Wildlife Fund Thailand : " The animals can not be reintroduced into the wild because animals raised by humans lack basic survival skills and are often infected with diseases you do n't find among wild populations " .
14 Hence the weedkiller train could not be put into the loop and had to remain on the main line , being put right up to the buffer stop because a passenger train was due .
15 It is only these words that have passed through the legal machinery of law-making , and individual Members of Parliament can not be put into the witness-box to supplement or interpret what has been formally enacted .
16 Microsoft Corp 's New Technology operating system , expected to go into beta test this month now not be put into the hands of end users until July , Bill Gates told information systems managers and journalists at a computing debate in London last week .
17 However , it was made clear that Cuba would not be admitted into the San José Pact , whereby Mexico and Venezuela sold oil on favourable rates to central American and some Caribbean states .
18 Dennett ( see below ) has in recent publications emphasized the relative emptiness of the contents of consciousness : all that is not there and which , for much of the workings of our bodies , can not be brought into the contents of consciousness .
19 The big tobacco companies , which offered financial support , caused some embarrassment by suggesting that anti-smoking campaigns should not be brought into the classroom .
20 And in a way this answer , like the first , was astonishingly appropriate , brandishing a secret truth and a paradox before a man who would have appreciated it to the full , but could not be let into the secret .
21 It is clearly essential that smoke should not be sucked into the accommodation through the ventilation intakes .
22 Indeed , each man refused it with some indignation ; Kissinger in particular thought it outrageous that such an old friend and ally as the Shah should not be allowed into the States .
23 There was no question of his approaching the father directly as a man such as Huy would not be allowed into the palace compound ; but Taheb was a rich businesswoman , and if she did not have any personal knowledge of the family , she would have contacts who would .
24 Because , no matter what we learn we can not be educated into the Kingdom .
25 After potential topics were tentatively divided into meanings and non-meanings , it soon became clear that meanings could not be included into the range of possible existents .
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