Example sentences of "not be use [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The traditional C14 carbon dating method could not be used on the walls as the process consumes the object being tested .
2 Logical assignments may not be used for the directory name .
3 If pressing continues beyond the 2,666 litres limit the final dregs of the juice obtained , known as the rebêche , may not be used for the production of Champagne , Coteaux Champenois ( the still wines of Champagne ) or , indeed , any other officially classified wine .
4 And , secondly , company law set about the task of demonstrating that the power of corporate managers was not unlimited but was subject to checks and controls which ensured that it could not be used for the manager 's own purposes or for any other arbitrary end .
5 Royal Mail International services , whether surface or air , must not be used for the transmission of dangerous substances such as aerosols , lighters etc .
6 This in itself should not be used as the basis for repudiating a claim as long as the claimant can provide certification from the appropriate Government Department e.g. DHSS that proves that they are both unemployed and available for work .
7 The example contract included at 1101.10 is a final negotiated contract and should not be used as the basis of initial negotiations .
8 The court held that these words could not be used as the words were absolutely privileged .
9 If , after such an order has been made , the deponent does not attend , the affidavit can not be used without the leave of the court ( r 7.7(2) ) .
10 On Jan. 20 Akbulut emphasised that " joint defence installations … definitely can not be used without the permission , authorization and knowledge of the government " .
11 Although open lines of communication are important , they should not be used by the superior to command the subordinate in a matter where authority has been delegated to the subordinate .
12 Development of a beach club and boat park complex , which again will not be used by the majority of villagers , now threatens to re-route a public right of way .
13 Although Crawford was one of the few Test cricketers to play in spectacles it would seem that his eyesight was not so poor that he could not be used by the military .
14 Any debris dislodged from them by hydraulic action sinks to the depths and can not be used by the waves to attack the cliffs .
15 With effect from the start of an insolvent liquidation of the vendor , unless the court grants leave , the vendor 's company name may not be used by the purchaser if the purchaser or directors of the purchaser have been directors or shadow directors of the vendor during the twelve months preceding the liquidation .
16 ( 3 ) Information which was confidential , such as details of a secret process ; this type was so confidential that it could not be used by the employee at any time for the benefit of anyone but the employer .
17 If this is the case , they will not be used by the student .
18 The very sparse information on the post-unemployment wages for the individuals who left unemployment within the observation period need not be used in the estimation but can be used for checking the estimates .
19 If the attention of the theorist is focused upon a particular state of affairs — equilibrium — rather than upon the market process , the adjective ‘ competitive ’ can not be used in the sense of the characteristic of a process .
20 In other words , syntactic analysis is always carried out but it may not be used in the interpretation of any particular sentence .
21 The bidding process began in the polytechnics in 1989 , coming into operation in 1990 , but the system will not be used in the universities until 1991/92 .
22 This is not to say that a series like Follow Me can not be used in the classroom , but it is organised in a different way from materials like Let's Watch or Video English which were made specifically for classroom use .
23 Confidential matters would not be used in the report — material which goes into the end report will only be what can be publicly known .
24 Signals that use reflected light , for instance , can not be used in the dark .
25 These sacrifices could only be bought with special Temple money because foreign currency such as Roman coins , showing the heads of pagan rulers , could not be used inside the perimeter of the Temple .
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