Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 THE Treasury could receive a substantial boost to tax revenues next month because of attempts to take income before April 5 so that it would not be taxed at the Labour party 's threatened high rates .
2 In the opinion of Melanie Clore there is no reason to believe that such prices could not be repeated at the present time .
3 A behaviour that can not be done at the same time as the problem behaviour .
4 4.11 If it is essential that money be delivered to clients in their own homes , this must be sanctioned by the line manager and , where possible , should not be done at the same time each week .
5 For the pound-dollar , the mark-dollar and the lira-dollar the hypothesis that α = 0 and β = 1 can not be rejected at the 5 per cent level .
6 It was a representation , in effect , as to the future , namely , that payment of the rent would not be enforced at the full rate but only at the reduced rate .
7 Think of a desired alternative action — one that can not be performed at the same time as the ‘ problem ’ behaviour ( see page 55 ) .
8 Thank you sir , er Mr has mentioned the disagreement er the potential disagreement between Norfolk and Suffolk County Councils , what happens may I ask , if that er disagreement can not be resolved at the local lev level , is the Minister called in ?
9 Fear can not be experienced at the same time as love — whether we are talking of love of an individual , of mankind , of the world or of yourself .
10 Most importantly the hotel gains a security system whose cards can not be copied at the local locksmith .
11 But these protests should not be aimed at the Vice Chancellors .
12 The Crown is amenable to declarations but a declaration can not be awarded at the interim stage of proceedings ; so the effect of the rule is that interim relief is not available in actions against the Crown in which the remedy sought is mandamus or a declaration .
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