Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] on the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The coming battle for the soul of Central Europe will not be decided on the playing fields of EMU , nor by throwing in the sheepmeat regime at the decisive moment .
2 The hon. Gentleman has just been reminded of the shabby teachers ' pay record of the Labour Government whom he supported some years ago — It was his Government then , although their successors may not be represented on the Front Bench in quite the way that the hon. Gentleman would wish .
3 The option is clearly to the advantage of the developer , in that : there is low initial capital commitment there is opportunity to resolve problems and obtain planning approval The faces less competition than would be found if the land was sold at auction or tender if the scheme is abandoned the option need not be exercised On the other hand problems can arise where there is a substantial downturn in the market and it is not viable to proceed at the price agreed in the option agreement .
4 The first section shows that the authority which states and governments claim can not be based on the main argument for the justification of authority , i.e. that described by the normal justification thesis .
5 May I ask my right hon. Friend to endorse the hope that the multi-party system that President Moi will formally introduce this week will not be based on the tribal backgrounds of those taking part , as that would be a possible recipe for disaster ?
6 where agreement can not be reached on the substantive rule but can be reached on the conflicts rule ;
7 But conventionalism can not be justified on the sole ground that surprise is inefficient or undesirable in these ways , because conventionalism does not protect against surprise as well as a simpler and more straightforward theory of adjudication would .
8 Together with the credits provided by export credit agencies , much of it for military hardware , this policy has culminated in the late 1980s in the accumulation of a mountain of debt which can not be serviced on the original schedule of payments .
9 Education can not be assessed on the simplistic measure of a league table of exam results .
10 If the judge orders a trial in two parts there is an irremediable danger of two appeals to the Court of Appeal and justice requires that an appeal to the Privy Council should not be denied on the first part but perforce accepted on the second part .
11 Fourth , the argument can not be rejected on the similar grounds that it argues directly from the fact that you might be wrong to the conclusion that you do not know .
12 MDHC would not be drawn on the Irish service plans last night though Cenargo , Merchant Ferries ' parent company , declared : ‘ Two existing routes will be maintained but new routes are under investigation . ’
13 Though McNish would not be drawn on the exact reasons for the call , it is believed to be for the vacant post of team test driver and understudy for Michael Schumacher and Riccardo Patrese .
14 Lang would not be drawn on the exact number of authorities , saying that the 3,300 responses received following publication of the latest consultation paper were still being studied in great detail .
15 Mr Ridley would not be drawn on the thorny issue of rail privatisation other then to say that investment was urgently needed in Britain 's rail and road links .
16 Usually the line represents the flow of something but that something might be material , energy , information or time but again these should not be mixed on the same diagram unless differently coded lines are used .
17 However , the government emphasises that a clean environment can not be had on the cheap , and electricity and water consumers are being prepared for increased charges to meet the costs .
18 Proper care can not be provided on the cheap , it says , so good homes will close .
19 But doctors may be able to make swifter judgments than a lay jury , and anyway self regulation can not be bought on the cheap .
20 ‘ Underprescribers ’ may be simply prudent prescribers but may also not be informed on the latest thinking on the benefits of drug treatment .
21 The educational implication is not that the contestation of caricatures of black histories and cultures in school texts should cease , but that it should not be premised on the stifling aesthetic of the positive image .
22 The addition of the ribber offers a wide range of double bed fabrics and textures which can not be produced on the single bed — one of which is double jacquard .
23 A caddie was out of the question and a golf cart , her usual helpmate , would not be allowed on the coarse until later on .
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