Example sentences of "not be [vb pp] to the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 These self-imposed restrictions may not be limited to the negative emotions .
2 This charge will not be limited to the straightforward case where a shareholder elects to take scrip in place of a particular cash dividend , but will also cover other arrangements which achieve a similar result , for instance by the issue of a separate class of shares carrying the right to a stock dividend .
3 Cost control should not be limited to the conceptual or design phase alone .
4 If a scheme for generic substitution were to go ahead , the loss to British companies would not be limited to the so-called ‘ savings ’ to the NHS , but the entire amount of the sales of such products .
5 In an effort to tighten up the administration of poor relief the Local Government Board issued a circular in 1871 to the effect that outdoor relief should not be granted to the able-bodied widow with one child .
6 I have sometimes gone into it when the King was absent from Delhi and once pretty far I thought , for the purpose of giving my advice in the case of a great lady so ill that she could not be moved to the outward gate ; but a Kachemire shawl covered my head , hanging like a large scarfe down to my feet , and a eunuch led me by the hand , as if I had been a blind man .
7 The rockets had been damaged by allied bombing raids during the Gulf war and could not be moved to the main destruction site at Muthana , where most of the other 45,000 chemical warheads had been transported .
8 A final point worth making in defence of the data is that the observational material can not be impugned to the same degree , because in the flow of action during an incident the exigencies of the situation usually take over , making it difficult for policemen and women to act in ways contrary to what the situation requires or their colleagues demand .
9 If any are in the category of persons provided for in Section D of Department 's 279 of March 31 they should not be repatriated to the Soviet Union unless they affirmatively claim Soviet citizenship " [ this referred to Balts and Poles ] .
10 But he conceded that rising gas prices , while the cost of coal was falling , could mean further developments of gas-fired stations may not be justified to the same extent in future .
11 Any conditions attaching to the sale such as a favourable indication that the transaction will not be referred to the MMC , favourable tax clearances and any necessary approval from the purchaser 's shareholders will be included .
12 Unoccupied offices and meeting rooms left unused for long periods need not be heated to the normal level .
13 The end result in a domestic oven is a drop in power output and the very real risk that food will not be heated to the required and safe temperature level of 70°C as specified by the food safety laws .
14 It is clear that the money that will now be provided centrally by my right hon. Friend will not be given to the local authorities .
15 For instance , there is no spectrum connecting the two senses of expire , so their lexical units would not be assigned to the same lexeme .
16 All behaviouristic theories of cognition are viciously third-personal , where that expression signifies , first , that they can not be applied to the first-person perspective and , second that our ability to apply them to the third person really rests on our bringing to bear first-person knowledge : as with rats in mazes , where my plain and unreduced apprehension of the rat 's environment enables me to see its grasp of that environment in terms of its behaviour within it .
17 He argues that the ‘ local state ’ is not simply the national state writ small , and that a general theory of the state can not be applied to the local level .
18 This , together with the self–selecting nature of the sample , means that while the findings can aid understanding of the factors involved they can not be generalised to the wider population .
19 In either case , Leapor maintains that common pasturage should not be turned to the sole benefit of anyone .
20 Often , of course , these were different forms of the same general relations , though the latter can not be reduced to the former , in all or even a majority of cases .
21 A wall had to be demolished , and patients on these wards could not be subjected to the unavoidable dust and noise which would result .
22 Valuable mathematical experiences need not be confined to the well-ordered water trough , and the sensitive adult can find many ways of introducing new vocabulary and mathematical ideas during the children 's play .
23 The integration induced effects upon the trade balance can not be confined to the standard Vinerian concepts .
24 We argue strongly that practice in writing should not be confined to the literary essay .
25 Traditionally pioneers in agriculture , these were the families which at the beginning of the nineteenth century concluded that the making of good cheese need not be confined to the high alpine dairies as was then generally accepted , but could be practised in the rich pasturelands of the Mittelland .
26 It need not be confined to the written word — symbols such as the swastika , and other offensive images will suffice .
27 A key in this context is taken in its widest definition — an artificial system for identifying animals or plants ; the term key should not be restricted to the dichotomous kind .
28 In more recent work , Professor Stewart argues that , although the corporate approach retains its purpose as a challenge to the dominant functional perspective , the ‘ concern of the new management can not be restricted to the corporate centre ’ ( Stewart 1986 : 148 ; cf Stewart 1989 ) .
29 That is , learning need not be restricted to the orthodox educational system and also that learning , as a process , is essentially self-centred , and self-organised .
30 This broad sense should include the ironic , metaphoric and implicit communicative content of an utterance , and so it can not be restricted to the conventional content of what is said .
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