Example sentences of "not for [art] [adj] [noun] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 If the charge on the property in favour of the husband is not for a fixed amount but is expressed to be equivalent , for example , to one third of the net proceeds of sale , then the husband has acquired a chargeable asset ( Marren v Ingles [ 1980 ] 1 WLR 983 ) and payment of the capital sum by way of redemption of the charge would appear to be a disposal for capital gains tax purposes ( TCGA 1992 , s22 ) .
2 Even though the problem shows that the full crime was consummated , the culprits may be convicted of attempt or incitement , so that it may be relevant to mention these crimes — though normally , of course , the indictment would be for the completed crime , not for a mere attempt or incitement .
3 Votes are not for a particular person but for a list put up by a party .
4 The Ego wants us to develop talents and acquire knowledge , not for the sheer joy and challenge of playing the clarinet , reading Proust or rewiring the house , but so that we will be flattered and admired .
5 Few farm workers leave the land because they dislike the job itself ; on the contrary many would return were it not for the poor pay and prospects .
6 These differ from college accommodation services in that they act not for the prospective tenant but on behalf of the landlords by pre-sifting applicants .
7 Fabliau narrative is characteristically brief , and the plot is complicated and problematic only for some of the characters within the tales , not for the well-informed readers or audience of the piece .
8 I guess it is mildly amusing to see Bolan 's head emerge ghostlike from Elton John 's piano as the guesting Reg hammers out ‘ Children Of The Revolution ’ , though probably not for the right reasons and certainly not enough to detract from the leaden weight of the music .
9 It is a worrying time for the Cupertino company , but it probably can come through more or less unscathed , simply because people buy Apple kit not for the underlying technology but for what 's on top of it , so provided a happy marriage can be arranged between the PowerPC hardware and Apple 's software , and the thing ends up looking to the user like a Macintosh that is simply faster , more powerful , more easy to use and in all ways better than the 68040-based models , Apple should be able to scrape through — and there is still a Motorola Inc 68060 in the pipeline that Apple can fall back on if everything in the IBM relationship goes awry .
10 In particular , he could say that it is not for the Conservative Party or anybody else to determine the budget options of Parliament .
11 Not for the conservative party or the liberal party or the labour party .
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