Example sentences of "this may [vb infin] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For example it is reported that overstocking in litter-based poultry will result in an overloaded offensive litter ; whilst understocking may also be undesirable , since this may result in a dry and dusty litter which may help disperse the odour over a wide area , unless dust filters are installed .
2 If they voice this concern to the general practitioner or health visitor this may result in the first step being taken in the identification of a visual problem , but unfortunately there can be instances in which the defective vision is not detected until the child has a pre-school medical .
3 If severe , this may result in the diabetic lipaemia that is particularly seen in poorly controlled or newly diagnosed diabetics ( Bagdade et al , 1967 ) .
4 This may result in the offlined modules being stored on a single , immediately available , large optical disk and ten magnetic disks .
5 This may result in the reduced borrowing of irrelevant theses on the one hand , but on the other hand , information on the existence of relevant theses could result in their increased use in the communication process .
6 Young argues that this may result in an upper stratum free from self-doubt and the restraining influence of humility .
7 Nevertheless the idea of ‘ readiness ’ for a test must be one where the teacher has to be the ultimate judge ; and this may lead to a certain amount of tension between parents and teachers .
8 Abel-Smith has shown how this may lead to a discredited system .
9 This may lead to a further expansion of the money supply , as the public sector borrowing will increase banks ' deposits with the Bank of England .
10 This may lead to the whole group moving , tugged along by a complex web of bonds .
11 Boyden worldwide has become stronger , with revenues of $34.6m. earned from 1150 searches by 100 consultants ; this may lead to an increased presence in the British market .
12 For a company which in its 90 years ' existence has made its share of bad decisions , this may rank as the worst of them all .
13 This may appear as a sudden change in behaviour because the more subtle signs were not noticed before the operation .
14 However unsatisfactory this may appear to the haulier wishing to protect his business , this is the state of the law .
15 this may explode into a thousand fragments so I 'll just have to start all over again without having to print out copy
16 This may link with the lower average level of technical qualification among the UK chief executive officers .
17 Sometimes this may feel like a military strategy and it is quite in order to treat it this way : to plot and plan to take the fortress which is your imaginary castle , your silent , fertile abode , despite the background of your everyday tasks and obligations .
18 This may vary from a few words exchanged over the garden fence , to visits which last all day .
19 This may vary from an identical response to a very different one .
20 I know this may sound like a long shot — but someone who 's been listening to 2 Pac 's ‘ 2PacalypseNow ’ super-LP was recently arrested in a stolen car ( with the tape still playing ) for killing a police officer in America .
21 This may sound like a special aesthetic law , but in fact I believe it is implicit in the very act of pronouncing , or thinking , the word ‘ hypocrite ’ : you only use it when you have caught one .
22 This may predispose to an increased risk of intracranial haemorrhage , necrotising enterocolitis , hypoxia and acidosis .
23 This may look like a 1300 cc Fiesta , but a glimpse in the bonnet reveals an 1800 cc diesel engine and the car 's number plate was from a stolen police car .
24 This may look like a thirteen hundred cc Fiesta , but a glimpse in the bonnet reveals an 1800 cc diesel engine and the car 's number plate was from a stolen police car .
25 This may look like an easy knock-down argument against a silly theory which nobody has ever seriously held : but what is true of mental pictures would seem to be true of any kind of mental representing process which encodes sensations in some determinate form .
26 This may occur at the exposed soil surface as raindrops selectively erode fine clay particles , leaving heavier sand particles : with time this process can affect deeper parts of the soil profile , impairing its water-retaining capacity to such an extent that even after agriculture has been abandoned the forest may be unable to recolonise .
27 This may occur in the same physical configuration as that of Fig. 3.16 ( p. 81 ) used for calculating the torque upon a single turn of current-carrying wire .
28 This may point to a powerful repressed feeling which we fear will overwhelm us .
29 This may point to the fundamental difference between Gandhi 's ideal of sarvodaya , the welfare of all , and Mill 's utilitarian axiom .
30 This may apply to a particular period or it may be concerned with changes over a long period of time .
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