Example sentences of "this be [adv] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Any who dare to question this are quickly dealt with by being accused of faithlessness , invoking that frighteningly powerful guilt feeling instilled into the human mind whilst the individual is still very young , and it is just this abuse of childhood which is so surely the primary cause of failure to reduce the constant renewal of the horrors of war .
2 All fungi require about 20 per cent moisture content in the host wood to germinate and although in new buildings the moisture content of the timber may be as high as 18 per cent , this is soon reduced to about 12–14 per cent by heating and ventilation of the enclosed spaces .
3 A relatively static subject like this is best shot from off a tripod which would enable you to keep well back and work the zoom towards the telephoto end of the range for close-ups without risking spoiling your shots through camera-shake .
4 This is normally dealt with by specifying in the heads that all its contents are subject to contract except for specified paragraphs .
5 This is loosely referred to as an Ehlers transformation ( Ehlers , 1957 ) .
6 If this is expressly provided for in the lease the parties will not fall foul of the Law of Property Act 1925 , s144 .
7 This is sometimes referred to as the domestic recycling of funds within an economy .
8 This is sometimes referred to as the comfort factor by bankers .
9 ( This is sometimes referred to as ‘ positional power ’ . )
10 This is sometimes referred to as the critical consolute point .
11 This is sometimes referred to as the principle of minimum intervention or the presumption of no order .
12 This is obviously accounted for in part by the affluence of the higher social classes , but it also reflects their different pattern of recreational preference .
13 This is often referred to as pekoe , meaning the downy part of the shrub that is of the best quality .
14 This is often referred to as a consideration of the patient 's future ‘ quality of life ’ .
15 This is often referred to as ‘ 1 unit ’ of alcohol .
16 Our simple macroeconomy may be said to be in equilibrium when aggregate demand ( i.e. the total demand for final goods and services in the economy ) is equal to national income ( i.e. the total value of all final goods and services produced ) : this is often referred to as equilibrium in the goods market .
17 If the formula appears on a separate leaf , this is often referred to as the ‘ licence leaf ’ or ‘ privilege leaf ’ .
18 Indeed , this is often referred to as waffle stitch and is used a great deal in garment pattern production , either alone or in combination with other tuck patterns .
19 This is often referred to as prudential regulation and it consists of setting down standards in respect of such matters as the capital reserves which have to be maintained by banks .
20 This is specifically provided for in s1(1) of CPA 1987 which states : ( 1 ) This Part shall have effect for the purpose of making such provision as is necessary in order to comply with the product liability Directive and shall be construed accordingly .
21 This is commonly referred to as the ’ accruals ’ concept .
22 Safe Travel to School : the 1992/93 Roads and Transport Capital Budget includes a new item for a programme of works to improve safety for children on journeys to/from school and this is now dealt with in a separate section of the Plan .
23 In practice this is now dealt with by an Election Court .
24 This is subsequently referred to as long standing illness .
25 This is usually referred to as the catastrophic version ; and today this has few , if any , adherents .
26 significant — this is usually thought of as a slightly more rigorous test than material .
27 This was also adverted to by the county surveyor in a letter dated 7 February 1983 to Mr. Page , the borough engineer .
28 This was mostly accounted for by a ‘ natural ’ death-rate of 9 per cent per annum .
29 This was strongly objected to by another person .
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