Example sentences of "are not [adv] [vb pp] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is in this context that minorities who may feel that their causes are not adequately represented in Parliament wish to use their freedom of protest to draw attention to their plight .
2 In making the choice , the selection conference in the case of the Labour Party , and the constituency executive in the case of the Conservative Party , are not easily moved by pressure from outside and even the leaders of the parties have found it hard to get close friends and political associates nominated .
3 It is important to note that , in any given society , mating patterns are not easily manipulated by policy and edicts , but change in response to education , socio-cultural processes and aspects of development .
4 For many people , some sexual failure , temporary or otherwise , is made worse by the immense current cultural emphasis on passionate sex being the ‘ be all and end all ’ , with the implication of failure if they are not easily roused to orgasm regardless of what else is going on in their lives .
5 While it is true that in recent decades it has been made more , rather than less , difficult for elected assemblies to exercise control over public expenditure ( Robinson 1978 ) , it is equally true that political controllers are not completely starved of information about bureaucratic activities .
6 Second , it may be that earnings are not intrinsically related to capacity , N i , but rather that there is a partially random screening process for a given earnings distribution .
7 Higher spreads from high-yield bonds have historically overcompensated for the default rate … historical evidence indicates that general economic downturns are not closely correlated with peak high-yield default rates …
8 Applicants are not normally called for interview , but those given offers for our courses are invited to visit the relevant Department or School .
9 By section 1(3) , a design shall not be registered if the appearance of the article is not material ; that is , if aesthetic considerations are not normally taken into account to a material extent by persons acquiring or using articles made to the design .
10 ON SUNDAY November 22 , the Bath Area Group of the Swanage Railway Project chartered a ‘ Brakevan Tour ’ on the Severn Valley Railway for a return journey from Kidderminster to Bridgnorth taking in some loops and sidings that are not normally traversed by passenger trains .
11 If these matting agents are not thoroughly dispersed before application , then the varnishes or varnish stains will dry to a gloss .
12 Students are not simply presented with grammar rules — instead grammar is treated as a problem-solving activity .
13 Wages in Japan are not simply based on age alone .
14 There are many , often very large areas , that are publicly owned and of great value to wildlife but these sites are not primarily managed for wildlife , although this is often an important consideration and some suffer considerable disturbance .
15 Fire extinguishers for home use are not generally recommended by fire prevention experts , except as a safeguard it you live a long way from your nearest fire station .
16 Other examples of insurance claims being referred to experts do not appear in the reports and are not generally encountered in practice ; the insurance world has a pronounced preference for arbitration .
17 Weeping trees are often associated with water , but from the foregoing one can appreciate that they are not generally suited to poolside planting .
18 ‘ Come now , chéri , my guests will be arriving before long and we are not yet changed for dinner .
19 In this atmosphere , one would not expect the criticisms and justifications of the monarchy , qua monarchy , to be sharpened into explicitness , for they are not presently needed in debate .
20 The piano works of Igor Stravinsky are not well represented on CD , so the re-issue of Michel Béroff 's recordings is to be welcomed with open arms .
21 We shall see that employers are key actors within industrial relations and that they possess a considerable margin for defining their own policies which are not wholly determined in response to the actions of unions , or to economic and political pressures .
22 Although the most commonly used traffic-calming measures , road humps , are governed by statute and are subject to clear regulations , other techniques such as chicanes , road narowing , different road surfaces , shared road surfaces , rumble strips and gateways are not properly covered by legislation .
23 So far as the tax system is concerned , some groups in society will suffer if tax rates are not fully adjusted for inflation .
24 ( Statistical terms such as variance , skewness and kurtosis , though easily defined in terms of the above molecular weight averages , are not usually employed in polymer science . )
25 Paradigm shifts are not usually detected by citation studies , because of the anomalous publication of ‘ delayed-action ’ papers ( Lindsey ) , ( Garfield 's ‘ sleepers ) .
26 Dependent children are not usually covered by superannuation , although you should notify your employer if you are the sole breadwinner .
27 Rights to participate on a winding up are not usually taken into account , as financial statements are generally prepared on a going concern basis and , accordingly , such rights are not usually relevant to accounting .
28 Above all , remember that both parties are not irrevocably committed to litigation just because legal proceedings are issued .
29 And so we have a dimension of politics in international politics and within the state which is related to securing objectives which are not directly connected to security using the means of violence .
30 To the extent that these ways of behaving are inherited from the mother , it can be hypothesized that they are not directly taught from mother to daughter : rather they are indirectly and unconsciously assimilated .
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