Example sentences of "are to [be] [verb] for the " in BNC.

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1 Upon his death Charles 's eldest son assumed responsibility , and anxious evidently to enlarge the sphere of the firm 's activities he took an " option " or " take-note " from the Honourable John Pennington Bart. , Lord Muncaster , which issued liberty to " … search for and get lead and Copper Ores & any other ores within the Manor of Little Langdale & Tilberthwaite ( save and except in certain parcel of Ground under a lease to Wilson & which Ground & Premises are to be reserved for the sole use & purpose of the said Wilson …
2 ( 3 ) That the necessary paginated bundles of documents are to be prepared for the hearing .
3 New versions Informix 5.0 and Wingz 1.2J are to be converted for the Alpha AXP systems and will be announced this summer .
4 New versions Informix 5.0 and Wingz 1.2J are to be converted for the Alpha AXP systems and will be announced this summer .
5 Two sites are to be selected for the construction of underground laboratories in which tests can be carried out .
6 For Althusser 's claims are by no means easy to understand , and one reason for this is the fact that they are all exceedingly general , so that it is often unclear how they are to be used for the vital task of explaining particular states of affairs .
7 ‘ A witness may be cross-examined as to previous statements made by him in writing or reduced into writing relative to the subject matter of the indictment or proceeding , without such writing being shown to him ; but if it is intended to contradict such witness by the writing , his attention must , before such contradictory proof can be given , be called to those parts of the writing which are to be used for the purpose of so contradicting him : provided always , that it shall be competent for the judge at any time during the trial , to require the production of the writing for his inspection , and he may thereupon make such use of it for the purpose of the trial as he may think fit .
8 Labour 's ‘ radical ’ plans are to be welcomed for the vision they bring of the kind of urban public transport that is more or less taken for granted in western Europe .
9 The money to set up these trusts is to be supplied by industry , and the schools are to be founded for the most part in inner cities , and are to be technological in character .
10 ( vi ) The crew made a successful forced landing in a field near the end of the runway and are to be commended for the high degree of professional and airmanship displayed .
11 But patients from all over the country are to be considered for the trials , mostly after referral from their GP or from other eye hospitals .
12 But patients from all over the country are to be considered for the trials , mostly after referral from their GP or from other eye hospitals .
13 At each stage , the children will be assessed against appropriate attainment targets , which are to be grouped for the purpose into a small number ( the Task Group recommended no more than four ) of profile components , which will reflect the range of knowledge , skills and understanding the subject encompasses .
14 But the government believes that , not least in the light of what is being achieved in other countries , the standards now generally attained by our pupils are neither as good as they can be , nor as good as they need to be if young people are to be equipped for the world of the twenty-first century .
15 Groups in our society such as Friends of the Earth , Greenpeace and the Green party are to be congratulated for the energetic way they are drawing our attention to the issues involved .
16 Staff are to be congratulated for the way they accepted the move , and on their commitment to making the new arrangements work .
17 Save The Children are to be congratulated for the part they played in securing the nineteen eighty nine United Nations convention on the rights of the child .
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