Example sentences of "are [not/n't] [verb] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The correlation between a legal obligation on the one hand and a subjective right on the other admits of no exception ; as distinct from what is said to be the situation in municipal law , there are certainly no obligations incumbent on a subject which are not matched by an international subjective right of another subject or subjects , or even … of the totality of the other subjects of the law of nations .
2 ‘ We are not dealing with an orthodox war , a single enemy , a front line or clearly identifiable targets , ’ he said in a letter to former Foreign Secretary Lord Owen .
3 Books and other references sources can be extremely useful and I 've found the staff at most libraries very helpful … that is , once they 've been persuaded that they are not dealing with an imaginative miscreant !
4 Physical anthropologists and socio-cultural anthropologists have different fields of interest but their respective territories are not separated by an impenetrable wall ; or at any rate they ought not to be .
5 Ideals are not formed in an aseptic vacuum , but in the chemical brew of interacting personal lives and events .
6 Already there are restrictions on the importation of hard corals from many countries and other invertebrates such as tridacnid clams are not ranked as an endangered species and banned from importation .
7 Does n't the good minister understand that we are not living in an idealised middle-class world of Just William where chaps get caned and girls behave like Violet Elizabeth Bott ?
8 Hippopotamuses are not regarded as an endangered species , and in some areas of Tanzania and elsewhere in east and southern Africa , are seen as something of a nuisance .
9 When I write again in twelve months ’ time I shall be extremely disappointed if , world events permitting , we have not met our targets and are not looking at an improved set of results .
10 While supporting the principle of legislative measures to reduce the risk of salmonella , the BEIC has been actively lobbying the Government to ensure the British producers are not faced with an impossible burden .
11 are not swayed by an attractive personality into giving the job to someone who does not fulfil the requirements ;
12 All big assessments that are not accompanied by an explanatory gloss have to be approached warily .
13 If the current proposals are not informed by an accurate assessment of the attitudes of a representative sample for working-class school leavers and their families , then their relevance to the issue of access is unproven .
14 In such conditions , where drug combinations are not used for an adequate length of time , resistant strains have every chance of profiting from the destruction of their more sensitive relatives , and establishing a reservoir of intractable organisms .
15 are not effected through an Authorised third party
16 they are not referenced by an active DC for that user activated through the containing package
17 Plant between autumn and spring , and be careful to spread the roots down and out round the plant , so that they are not forced into an unnatural position .
18 Everyone involved has to realize that the tasks are not relearned in an automatic sequence : the fact that the patient may be able to put on his sweater one day does not necessarily mean that he is immediately able to progress to putting on his trousers — indeed , he may have forgotten how to cope with the sweater the following day .
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