Example sentences of "are [adv] [vb pp] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Such an action seems rather cavalier in relation to someone whose feet and ankles are widely believed to have the potential to be valued in seven figures .
2 They receive a rapturous reception , which is as it should be : here , after all , are the players who have lost just one league game in the previous fifteen months , the players who are widely expected to terrify the rest of the continent in the European Cup , the team with the best strike force and the meanest defence in the First Division .
3 You are rather forced to tell the story as there is n't much else to do !
4 The G M B must continue to argue at every at , at every level locally , regionally and nationally to ensure that our members are properly trained to meet the challenges that lie ahead .
5 The figures should give an indication of the importance which SCOTVEC places on ensuring that centres are properly equipped to tackle the demands of delivering and assessing National Certificate modules : such careful validation of centres — whether by a SCOTVEC team in the case of private centres or by the Director of Education in the case of authority centres — is an important element of the National Certificate 's quality assurance system .
6 We are more likely to lose the substantially greater related fee income if we decide not to continue auditing and are thereby forced to pass the affairs of these clients to those firms who wish to be auditors .
7 The terms are thereby used to describe the level at which decisions are taken in the management hierarchy .
8 So we had chosen an exit at random , and I stepped over one of those high door-frames which are presumably intended to stop the sea water from sloshing into the saloon .
9 The square brackets around Your Majesty in the English translation are presumably meant to alert the reader to the fact that the expression does not occur in the original , or that the translator is ‘ guessing ’ what might fill the subject slot in this case .
10 Methods are obviously required to improve the sensitivity of diagnostic biliary cytology .
11 The shape of the tang and the curved projection are obviously designed to protect the hand against the gouge slipping on the hoof .
12 He did not , at least , entertain the childish fantasy of some literati : that writers are better fitted to run the world than anybody else .
13 Kingfisher 's 700-plus Woolworth outlets and the Superdrug chain are better placed to weather the slowdown .
14 Soils based on limestone or sandstone are naturally more alkaline , and because of their high calcium content are better equipped to buffer the effects of dry and wet acid deposition .
15 We can change the way we let our past experiences affect us now , so that we are better equipped to handle the impact on us of all kinds of pressure which would otherwise unsettle and upset as time goes on .
16 The drafter 's aim , therefore , should be to prepare terms which are sufficiently balanced to maximise the chances of the terms , or any individual term , satisfying the statutory test of reasonableness under the UCTA 1977 .
17 3.2 The Landlord shall procure that as soon as in the opinion of the Architect the Works on the Premises are sufficiently advanced to enable the Tenant to commence and carry out the Tenant 's Works the Architect shall give notice to the Tenant to that effect
18 Another difficulty with the hot-spot model is that unrealistically large increases in heat flow are apparently required to explain the magnitude of uplift recorded in some regions .
19 As a branch museum of the County service , schools are warmly invited to use the museum and education room .
20 Photographers and reporters are warmly invited to attend the ceremony after the Church Service in Pennal at approx 12:00 am on Sunday 25 October .
21 If the posts are only intended to curve the back , this can be better achieved by planing a curve on to the struts before they are glued to the back .
22 Your RR already has a US V8 engine , a Buick As you are only allowed to increase the power by 20% this can easily be achieved by changing the camshaft , carburettors ( for a four barrelled Holley and Offenhouser manifold as fuel costs are not a problem ! ) and fitting tubular extractor manifolds to the exhaust Large power increases are not sensible on a seventeen year old vehicle without major overhaul , steering , suspension etc
23 S 89 includes provisions under which directors who have the members ' authority under s 80 to allot are nevertheless required to allot the shares on a pre-emptive basis to existing shareholders pro rata to their holdings , unless the members have disapplied their pre-emptive rights under the Act .
24 ( 6 ) The target 's registrars are normally asked to swear the affidavit regarding proper despatch of the notices .
25 If a pension becomes large enough to move away from managed funds , specialist fund managers are normally used to invest the assets , and extremely large pension funds such as British Coal tend to employ a team of specialist investment advisors .
26 The pike 's mouth also has no flesh in it so treble hooks are normally used to secure the fish is caught .
27 Natural scientists are normally expected to acquire the skills and aptitudes necessary for research through learning the subject itself .
28 Traditional wisdom dictates that companies which , during a recession , continue to market actively and consistently , are best placed to reap the rewards in the post-recessionary period .
29 In common with the Minister from the Scottish Office , the Minister rightly says that the institutions are best equipped to know the needs of their students .
30 Many produce yellow flowers , but these are best removed to maintain the foliage effect .
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