Example sentences of "are [vb pp] for [art] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Such items would only become liabilities when contracts are placed for the goods to be provided or the work to be carried out .
2 The forecasts are given for a height of 10m or 33ft above ground .
3 No guidelines are given for the interpretation of s8 except that the term to be included must have been a fair and reasonable one having regard to the circumstances which were , or ought reasonably to have been , known to or in the contemplation of , the parties when the contract was made ( s11(1) ) .
4 All sorts of reasons are given for the lack of enthusiasm in schools for physical science and technology , but never that which might be the fundamental one .
5 In Section 10.4 estimates are given for the intensity of gravitational radiation on Earth from various sources ; finally in Section 10.5 current detector designs , which appear capable of detecting waves from supernovae in our Galaxy , are described .
6 From Lovell 's Marxist perspective the feminist debates outlined above are misdirected for a variety of reasons .
7 Tables of mortality and morbidity values for spatial areas are apparently simple to interpret ; however , unless such data are adjusted for the age-structure of the populations of those areas , any conclusions drawn will remain questionable .
8 These Regulations , which are now in force , allow partnerships of unlimited size if they are formed for the purpose of carrying on practice as consulting engineers , provided a majority of the partners are recognised by the Engineering Council as chartered engineers .
9 The MPRP needs to improve itself and at the same time if new parties are formed for the interest of the people and the country , they should be competing on equal terms . "
10 These are redefined for the purposes of the Protocol as
11 Such regions are designated for a period of five years and are specifically defined to be those areas ( NUTS Level II ) where per capita GDP in PPSs is less than 75 per cent of the Community average .
12 Section 10(3) ( b ) goes further : ( b ) any failure to do more in relation to any matter than is required by — ( i ) any safety regulations imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( ii ) any standards if safety approved for the purposes of this subsection by or under any such regulations and imposing requirements with respect to that matter ; ( iii ) any provision of any enactment or subordinate legislation imposing such requirements with respect to that matter as are designated for the purposes of this subsection by any such regulations .
13 Three major metals are prescribed for the making of such icons : gold , silver and copper , although bronze and brass are often used as well as a mixture of five metals , copper , gold , silver , brass and white lead .
14 No , they are revered for the power of spirit . ’
15 Example 77 shows part of the score of his Symphony of Psalms ( some instrumental parts are omitted for the sake of clarity ) : This passage is based on a four-note ostinato : E♭ , B♭ , F , B♭ ; as will be seen , the choral parts and ostinato come close to , but never quite reach , conventional triadic usage .
16 Galway which yielded silver until their closure in 1980 , are blamed for the death of livestock .
17 It is , therefore , not surprising to find in Luke that it is the Jews who are blamed for the death of Jesus .
18 The ground rules of completion are designed for the interests of the public and not for the interests of the profession alone .
19 Four season bags are for all-year use and five season bags are designed for the kind of extreme cold temperatures you 're likely to find on winter expeditions .
20 No doubt , there is some measure of ‘ objectivity ’ for humans can actually see how well other creatures are designed for the perception of infrared laser frequencies or acoustic sonar , for example , or for flight , swimming or digging .
21 Nineteenth century ephemera , including table games , playing cards , a hieroglyphic card ( one where small pictures are substituted for a number of letters or syllables ) and ( centre ) a ‘ zoetrope ’ or ‘ wheel of life ’ , an early motion-picture toy .
22 These are included for the purpose of supplementing and altering the standard conditions of sale .
23 Two simple recipes are included for the teacher in Appendix B on page 94 .
24 I could get the conference timetable for which conferences are booked for the summer at the moment .
25 The changes also anticipate many of the demands which were expected to be made at opposition rallies tomorrow in Sofia and the provinces where calls are expected for the resignation of many of the figures ousted yesterday .
26 The scheme of the 1954 Act is that if the lease is more than six months ( which is presumably the situation in your case ) and the premises are occupied for the purposes of your business , then the lease does not automatically come to an end .
27 For the moment detectives are stumped for the reason for the attack .
28 For the mnoment detectives are stumped for the reason for the attack .
29 In this respect , although conditional sales are regulated for the purposes of the nemo dat exceptions in s25(2) of SGA 1979 , and hire purchase under Sched 4 of CCA 1974 , the two sets of provisions are virtually identical .
30 But it is unrealistic to take an excessively puritan position , such that the only disinterested arguments are those which damage the speaker 's well-being , the only good actions those which are done for no reason at all .
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