Example sentences of "are [adv] so [adj] [conj] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 In fact , decisions are rarely so rational or even conscious .
2 The ‘ implications ’ of literacy are not so obvious nor so easily elicited or described as Goody suggests .
3 The effector processes become slower and less powerful but these effects are not so marked or so consistent .
4 Yeah you see , well when we were looking you see so many and you think ooh that looks nice , ooh that 's nice but some of them are just so squadgy and well nice if you , if that 's how you want to sit
5 However , environments are usually so variable that even if the conditions are good where the animal is now , they probably will not be in a month 's time ; it may then be better to be a hundred miles south .
6 They are both so likeable and even though they are of different races and sex .
7 If you are up so bright and early we will be able to set off in very good time . ’
8 Most of the game is mental — being able to keep your head clear and retain a certain outlook on life should mean that bad times are neither so frequent nor so lengthy as they would be if you start examining your technique or doubting your ability .
9 A mass of evidence follows , most of it from sound medical sources , that the medical profession has become hopelessly hooked on prescription drugs ; that the drugs are neither so effective nor so safe as our doctors would have us believe ; and that the public and the profession is being remorselessly taken for a ride by the pharmaceutical industry .
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