Example sentences of "are [adv] [adj] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , Hungary , Poland and Czechoslovakia have recently re-formed their agricultural regimes with such rigour that they now have what are effectively free markets in farming .
2 But since there are much larger numbers in relation to the dominant person in the schoolroom than there are at home a distinct psychological break is experienced in the transition from one to the other .
3 I think there are enough common factors in management , including the role of chairman , that apply to all or most businesses , such as the need for careful succession planning , the need for developing a strategy or a corporate plan .
4 There are less traumatic events in life that can be quite as overwhelming or perplexing without some form of preparation — a visit to an airport or a dairy farm ; first experiments with make-up and fashion ; and first dates and discos .
5 ‘ There are so many scumbags in boxing — but I have to thank Barry Hearn and the American referee Joe Cortez for standing up for me . ’
6 Indeed there are so many newspapers in contrast to the two television networks , that relatively few voters ( as a percentage ) read even the best-selling paper .
7 There are so many styles in mime .
8 I mean , there are so many opportunities in hospital to witness .
9 ‘ It helps to be a woman and I can exploit that when it suits because there are so few women in Parliament and it concerns a lot of people .
10 They point out that under the first-past-the-post system a small swing in votes tends to produce a major change in parliamentary strength so " exaggerating " a party 's lead in parliament in a way that leads to sharp swings in policy when there are only small shifts in voting and still more limited changes in public opinion .
11 Thus , the separation theorem holds that there are only two portfolios in equilibrium ; the first composed of n risky assets and the second composed of the risk-free asset .
12 They are merely arrogant words in praise of himself .
13 A. vole mandible with gnaw marks on the body of the mandible ( ×8 ) ; B. other half of the same mandible with the posterior part destroyed ( ×9 ) ; C. proximal femur with the head and shaft extensively gnawed ( ×19 ) ; D. femur head enlarged ( ×45 ) ; E. proximal end of humerus with the head destroyed by gnawing and individual gnaw marks visible on the inner surface of the bone ( ×30 ) F. enlargement of the individual gnaw marks , which are approximately 20 microns in breadth ( ×188 ) .
14 Then there are progressively large decreases in adult survival for each increment in juvenile survival , and hence a convex trade-off curve ( heavy line in Fig. 2 ) .
15 As Myers mentions , there are already some programmes in operation which suggest that the national resource base can be manipulated to accommodate the growing needs of the population without serious impairment of soil fertility .
16 committee and that on behalf of West Sussex as a whole , we should grasp that responsibility , make it clear and I 'm not talking about the emergency arrangements which we 're coping with quite adequately it seems to me erm but I 'm talking about the coordination and overview of all the er contributing factors erm so that we can demonstrate that there is ultimately one body who can take er a view of these matters er ensure that there are not grey areas in future and to er initiate er action wherever it may be dealt with necessary .
17 Because tense and aspect are not grammatical categories in Chinese , their specification is largely optional .
18 Theories are not optional extras in science .
19 They are not direct dispositions in favour of anybody .
20 Telephone switches are just big computers in disguise .
21 29% of these are under 10 hectares in size , 44% between 10 and 35 hectares , 24% between 35 and 100 hectares and 3% over 100 hectares .
22 a Tumours detected by digital rectal examination , through raised values of prostate specific antigen , or by transrectal ultrasonography are usually 4–7 ml in volume , and truly focal lesions are diagnosed in less than 4% of cases .
23 ‘ There are more curious things in life . ’
24 Handy for determined sceptics , ex-members of the Socialist Workers Party , liberal intellectuals who want it to be known that there are more important things in life than just getting a green certificate .
25 ‘ I do n't enjoy losing money , but there are more important things in life than money .
26 ‘ But there are more important things in life , Mr — ’
27 There are more physical constraints in council housing than in owner-occupied housing in terms of bedrooms and size , but these are minor compared to the restrictions in the private rented sector .
28 But Kevin Keegan 's team are still 12 points in front and their good-looking football dominated the first half and the last 20 minutes .
29 As will be seen throughout this chapter , there are wide local variations in selection procedures and in training .
30 In the west , large numbers of chapels are known which never became parish churches , but which are clearly pre-twelfth century in origin and had burial and baptism rights by that time .
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