Example sentences of "are [adv] [verb] in a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 systems are rarely tested in a comparable way , for example in terms of actual input , number of writers , size of vocabulary and so on ;
2 GLT : = Goldeck Loft Technology : A special system developed by Goldeck whereby polyester hollow fibres are spirally crimped in a three-dimensional configuration giving a down-like performance .
3 All , or at least some are presumably revealed in a slender monthly publication .
4 This means that the particles are highly ordered in a regular three-dimensional arrangement .
5 Nevertheless , Hertz is justly famous for the confirmation he achieved , whereas my frequent confirmations are rightly ignored in a scientific context .
6 At the ‘ top ’ are the Town Boys , a group of older boys and young men who , while not waving banners or making the most noise , are nevertheless treated in a deferential way by other subgroups .
7 Idea and emotion , actor and audience , are momentarily united in a rich encounter which occurs on many symbolic levels .
8 People coming to medical attention under the influence of ketamine are best placed in a quiet , darkened room until they recover .
9 In the initial stages consonants are best checked between vowels or word initially ; vowels are best checked in a stressed syllable ( open and closed syllables in separate lists ) .
10 Small areas are best paved in a single colour using a simple design to avoid being over fussy .
11 Correspondence and records are best kept in a small office separate from the rest of the farmhouse .
12 Proceedings before the Appeal Committee are generally conducted in a similar way to those before the Panel .
13 Interviews are generally conducted in a structured form , so as to ensure consistency between interviewers .
14 Reciprocal inspections between the North and the South are already envisaged in a joint agreement on denuclearisation .
15 The introduction by TNCs of new types of production into developing countries that are already industrializing in a substantial way .
16 Pot marigolds , as they are often known , are easily grown in a sunny place and light soil , being grown from seed sown outdoors in spring .
17 Ken Hom 's latest book The Taste of China documents those travels , with beautiful colour photography and personal anecdotes mingled with history and , of course , authentic but simple dishes that are easily made in a western kitchen .
18 Some undertake this role at a working level by assisting and challenging the business units when they submit their plans ; for example , by questioning why the business units are not competing in a certain way or as much as they should .
19 To mimic this , we should have to speed up our stroboscope so that its flashes came twice as fast as the cycles of mains electricity , which are not noticed in a fluorescent strip light .
20 Despite introducing some dynamic elements into the discussion , these are not treated in a formal way .
21 The jaws are armed with blunt papillae which are not arranged in a regular series .
22 Questions 1 to 4 cover considerations necessary for any type of intervention but they are not arranged in a logical , systematic order .
23 Unfortunately the slips are not arranged in a chronological order and documents relating to the early modern period are scattered throughout the calendar .
24 Presently all make a valuable contribution but generally events are not planned in a co-ordinated way taking into account the work of other agencies .
25 The implications for our understanding of the nature of government and law are not presented in a systematic fashion until On Human Conduct .
26 Many services like medical care are not bought in a normal commercial transaction by a user , but are bought via an intermediary or a third party , the insurance company .
27 Secondly , although larger specimens of O. rosea examined often have many smaller thinner supernumerary papillae such papillae are not distributed in a similar way to other species of Ophioprium .
28 Unlike the previous passage , this one has several vocabulary items specific to ( originally ) black youth culture , for example bredder ( brother — in the community rather than biological sense ) , sound ( a large mobile disco — but see Gilroy 1987 : 164ff for a fuller description ) , spar ( friend ) , skirt and daughter ( both words for women ) , while other words like trod and check are not used in a Standard English way .
29 Moules ( mussels ) are a more adventurous course — while they are high in cholesterol , they are very low in calories , as long as they are not bathed in a rich sauce .
30 The English tradition that it is tor Parliament to do the taxing is so deep-seated that the court would probably assert a legal presumption , as a matter of statute interpretation , that powers of taxation are not included in a statutory delegation of power unless clear words are used , and that a general formula like that in the statute stated in the question is not sufficient . ’
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