Example sentences of "are [adv] [verb] [prep] [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 Members experience less work-related stress and are better adjusted to life in the organization .
2 These life-sustaining ingredients can be applied directly to the vine by man , indeed are so applied by man in commercial viticulture , yet according to Mike Woodhead , the owner of ‘ Le Bonheur ’ in South Africa , it is possible to effect a permanently natural and desirable nutrient cycle in soils considered inferior by some .
3 These are normally presented to Parliament in the previous December , along with the winter supplementary estimates for the previous year .
4 All three vehicles have been the subjects of intensive restoration work over many years and are normally seen on display in the Centre 's Matthew Kirtley Museum .
5 They are generally broadcast with rape in midsummer as a nurse crop for a grass ley , and grazed off before Christmas for fattening lambs .
6 The observation that bile acids are not precipitated by calcium in the ileum , where reabsorption of bile acids takes place , explains why total faecal bile acid output is hardly affected by dietary calcium ( Fig 4 ) .
7 The pathogenesis , diagnosis , treatment and control measures are as for the other ruminants , but care must be taken in choosing the anthelmintic since many of those recommended for sheep and cattle are not registered for use in goats .
8 Fire brigade personnel are not put at risk in situations where their means of access and fire fighting is at a disadvantage .
9 For instance , temporal relations are not restricted to sequence in real time ; they may reflect stages in the unfolding text .
10 Other researchers have pointed out that improvements in medicine and nutrition , and changes in other health-related variables , such as the types of jobs that people do , are not taken into account in Brenner 's study .
11 For these reasons such costs and revenues are not taken into account in decision making .
12 Pollutants from burning fuel , such as nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide are not taken into account in current computer models of climate change .
13 Here again the highlighted nouns are not marked for number in any way and the Japanese reader can only guess whether the writer is talking about one or several fingers and tattoos .
14 This is necessary because many overhead costs are not included in work in progress but are written off against current profits each year ( see Chapter 11 ) .
15 Will the Minister give us an assurance that genuine applications that are encouraged by take-up campaigns are not subjected to discrimination in terms of the length of time taken for their assessment ?
16 En route , however , these gases that are just passing through can in various ways be enormously influential , as we will see .
17 The SDS drill bits have four slots in the shank which are quickly slotted into place in the tool holder .
18 The male ruff is a long-legged wading bird whose head and neck feathers are specially developed for use in a jumping display on a lek display ground .
19 Numerical identifiers in the range 1 to 20 are automatically displayed by LIFESPAN in this column .
20 Numerical identifiers in the range 1 to 10 are automatically displayed by LIFESPAN in this column .
21 The oil is collected by Centris bees and is full of glycerides , which are later mixed with pollen in the hives .
22 These corporations are non-elected and , although an attempt is made to ensure some representation of different interests at board levels , their tasks are clearly defined in advance in terms of development and infrastructure .
23 Words or letters for the pupil to read are clearly shown in colour in the Pupil 's Books , while words in black are there only to guide the teacher .
24 While England 's cricketers are looking for a big win against Zimbabwe in the World Cup in Australia tonight , a younger generation are also hoping for success in a tour of the African country .
25 Thirdly , it is suggested that other organisational devices , which we discuss in more detail in Chapter 6 , are also used by management in order to extend their control over labour .
26 4 Different strategies are often seen at work in children of different chronological ages but with the same reading age .
27 The atmosphere is relaxed and convivial and friendships are often forged after dinner in the lounge .
28 The royal colleges and the Joint Committee on Higher Medical Training ( JCHMT ) are often accused of inflexibility in their interpretation of requirements for accreditation in the case of academics , whereas in fact such applications are treated sympathetically .
29 ‘ Here , we 're just 10 minutes from the airport , 5 minutes from the motorway and we have a view of the Ochils ( a range of low hills just north of the Firth of Forth which are often dusted with snow in the winter ) to remind us what we 're here for . ’
30 But it infuriates him that , at the colleges , the best players are often exempted from participation in orchestral practice , then to gain prestigious jobs in the profession , without the musical ballast of learned repertoire and style .
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