Example sentences of "are [adj] [adv] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is much easier to follow than text which is long-winded and frequently ambiguous or file designs or programming flowcharts which are understandable only to the computer professional .
2 She gladly gave her blood for a substantial blood transfusion , and the patient was told after-wards by the doctor , ‘ You owe the fact that you are alive today to the crossing sweeper who first detected a movement in you when you were in the mortuary and then gave her blood for you . ’
3 The decline in hospital orders and the rise of prison sentences are traceable formally to the practice of modern psychiatrists of recommending fewer hospital orders , and in reality to the more restrictive policy on admission to special hospitals being pursued by the DHSS , and also to the higher proportion of defendants who are declared to have ‘ recovered ’ by the time of the trial .
4 When the arrears are payable , the presumption is that they are to be paid provided there are surplus assets available , whether or not these represent accumulated profits which might have been distributed by way of dividend , but that they are payable only to the date of the commencement of the winding up .
5 We shall assume ( Fig. 2.6 ) that the vectors drawn from any point charge to point P are all parallel to the vector r0 drawn from an arbitrarily chosen origin inside ( just another way of saying that the point P is far away ) .
6 For example , ministers are responsible formally to the monarch .
7 The best vines are those closest to the village growing at a height of between 140 and 200 metres .
8 Remember , too , that the thermals are smaller nearer to the ground , reinforcing the need for minimum speed , well-banked turns .
9 Catherine Lalumière , Secretary-General of the Council of Europe , acknowledged that " there is a contradiction between freedom of movement and the wish to avoid migratory inflows that are detrimental both to the country of origin and the receiving countries " .
10 Let us disregard the moral overtones which are irrelevant anyway to the concept of lying ( what makes lying bad is what is bad about what makes it lying ) .
11 Other clauses are subject to a test of reasonableness , and are enforceable only to the extent that they are shown to be reasonable .
12 CD trials , with teachers who are new both to the unit and to the computer system , are important at the present time because most teacher users will be in this category .
13 In addition , they will be expected to go on visits to their local Department of Social Security office , courts , industrial tribunal and other institutions that are relevant locally to the CAB clients .
14 The study was specifically about school boards , but the finding are relevant also to the planning of training in other fields , especially where volunteers with varied knowledge of existing concerns and varied understanding of their responsibilities are involved .
15 These coefficients are sensitive both to the difficulty of a test as well as its reliability ( consistency ) and so it is not easy to assess the latter .
16 Shareholders are liable only to the extent of the value of their paid-up shares .
17 Some books are devoted specifically to the sort of information which can be recovered from coins and the methodology of their study : M. Grant , Roman History from Coins ( 1958 ) ; John Casey , Understanding Ancient Coins ( 1986 ) ; M. H. Crawford , Sources for Ancient History ( 1983 ) , chapter 4 ; and J. Casey and R. Reece ( eds . ) ,
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