Example sentences of "are [adj] [adv] [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 These results suggested that open complexes formed at the φ29 P A2b and P A3 promoters are unstable , and that initiated complexes are stable enough to resist the heparin challenge and give rise to elongation complexes .
2 By contrast , poorly-insulated subjects , especially if wet , have their rate of cooling dramatically increased by even light winds that are strong enough to disturb the boundary layer around them .
3 Suppressor variables such as this which are strong enough to reverse the sign of the relationship are called distorter variables .
4 The judge in making an award of damages will know that a payment into court has been made , but will not know in what sum and so can not ensure that the damages awarded are high enough to beat the payment into court , if minded to make an award similar to that which the defendant has offered .
5 Where geologically instantaneous events such as earthquakes are concerned , they are rigid enough to transmit the shock waves , like any solid .
6 What a terrible indictment on the medical profession if it pillories those of its members who are brave enough to find the research evidence to support what many have suspected but few have challenged .
7 Few in this room are old enough to remember the shock of awed surprise which fell upon young minds presented , in the late 'seventies and early 'eighties of the last century with Freeman 's Norman Conquest or Green 's Short History of the English People ; in which as through parting clouds of darkness , we beheld our ancestry , literary as well as political , radiantly legitimised .
8 I do n't know if any of you are old enough to remember the sort of rubber corsets that were worn in those days .
9 There are admirers of rugged grandeur who are content merely to survey the scene from easy points of vantage .
10 Make sure these holes are large enough to accommodate the strain relief bushes to be fitted later .
11 However , even in nominally constant-density flows it may be possible to introduce density differences which are large enough to allow the use of one of these techniques whilst keeping the internal Froude number high enough for the flow to be unaffected .
12 The turnover may have to be greatly reduced in this situation until the young fish are large enough to withstand the water flow , so why employ it in the first place ?
13 It can be placed in an aquarium with pond water until the young fry are large enough to survive the rough-and-tumble of the garden pool .
14 In the case of Augustus we are lucky enough to have the text of The Achievements of the Divine Augustus , which was inscribed on public buildings all over the Roman world and may have been written by Augustus himself during the course of his reign .
15 But there are not many people who are lucky enough to have the length of holiday enjoyed by MPs .
16 For this reason , if you are lucky enough to get the chance to become a PA , because of the number of people trying to get started , you 'll find pay is n't brilliant to begin with .
17 Although the Society of Gardeners gave their name to the Catalogus Plantarum ( Catalogue of Trees and Shrubs both Exotick and Domestic that are Hardy enough to Bear the Cold of our Climate in the Open Air and are Propagated for Sale in the Gardens near London ) 1730 , Philip Miller and Thomas Fairchild are thought to have been its chief promoters .
18 The huge and justifiably famous Belshazzar 's Feast seen in all its various states from 1821 through 1824 and 1826 and beyond together with Joshua Commanding the Sun to Stand Still ( 1826/7 ) , The Fall of Nineveh ( 1829/30 ) , and The Fall of Babylon ( 1831 ) are powerful enough to take the wind out of anybody 's sails .
19 The radial shields are bar-like almost reaching the middle of the disk .
20 They are all away doing the job interviews . ’
21 They are all eagerly awaiting the guest of honour . ’
22 There are now several benefits — family credit , free school meals , housing benefit and grants from the Social Fund , for example — that can help families in financial need , but the processes of application and appeal for these are complex enough to warrant the assistance of social workers in many instances .
23 We simply stop when we are satisfied that the piles are firm enough to carry the structure , as least for the time being .
24 2 clubs that were not only fighting for European places , but are good enough to win the league , but we obviously need a few slip ups at Old trafford .
25 Both are out of print and according to his publisher ( the wacky John Muir of Todmorden ) are unlikely ever to see the light of day again .
26 As I suggested in chapter one , Christine Brooke-Rose 's first four novels constitute a conceptual prologue to her later work , but because they fail to break with the assumptions of the conventional novel , they are unable adequately to articulate the relation of individual identity to language .
27 Mr. Beloff , who appeared for Miss Calder , submitted that when the courts are concerned today to determine the reach of judicial review , the absence of precedent is not a compelling argument .
28 ‘ The lads still at the club are coming from all over the place to turn out for us , and are happy just to play the game .
29 In the early stages , however , Commodore believes that it needs to ensure a broad range of titles are available both to support the positioning of CDTV as a family leisure platform and to generate the initial installed base which will itself encourage the third party publishing on which the future of CDTV depends .
30 Make sure your hall , stairs and doorways are big enough to manoeuvre the bed through
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