Example sentences of "are [verb] back [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Then in winter the wicker table and chairs are moved back into the house , to be replaced by an old formica kitchen table .
2 As fish are sinking back through the surface , other fish will be appearing through it , so that there is constant activity .
3 Some of those contributions are channelled back to the Church Commissioners for distribution .
4 The sound waves bounce off objects in their path and are reflected back to the dolphin where they are channelled through oil-filled sinuses in the lower jaw to the inner ear .
5 But meanwhile many Japanese eyes are turning back to the root cause : policy co-ordination and America .
6 Burned by their experience of the volatility of the capital markets , many leading banks such as Bank of America and Lloyds are pulling back from the periphery of their systems to defend their home bases .
7 PHYSICS lecturers are going back to the nursery to teach toddlers in the water tub while admissions tutors consider the merits of palm-reading and astrology for selecting students at Newcastle Polytechnic .
8 THE enthusiastic housekeeper will no doubt be pleased to hear that the carpet retailers are going back to the twist .
9 It 's just as well they are going back inside the lavatory .
10 De Klerk said his visit showed South Africa and the world that " we are moving back to the fold " .
11 The arrows in the drawing are moving back from the boundary of the information field to the centre .
12 I hope all local areas will think about acquiring a stock of good movement photographs of local people which could be sent to the press in support of a feature — many local papers are cutting back on the expense of sending photographers out to events but are delighted to use suitable contributions .
13 Some are seeking independence and freedom from family or institutional repression ; some are escaping from problems or abuse whether at home , within the family , or at school ; some are running back to the family and away from care authorities .
14 More children are coming back to the library to work because teachers give the initial push by bringing them …
15 The studios are set back from the road and are shaded by the olive trees from which they derive their name .
16 Tiled surrounds built in the 1930s are set back against the brickwork , and the plaster made good around them .
17 And with that slice of humour , we are brought back to the present .
18 But if that is put on one side we are brought back to the question of what kinds of determining factors Poulantzas invokes in order to explain what actually happens .
19 The answer to his first point is that it is absolutely clear that a number of people who break their bail conditions are remanded in custody when they are brought back to the court ; but that happens in only about six out of 10 cases , and in four out of 10 cases when those who break their bail conditions are brought back to the court , it seems that they are no longer remanded in custody but are again let out on bail .
20 The answer to his first point is that it is absolutely clear that a number of people who break their bail conditions are remanded in custody when they are brought back to the court ; but that happens in only about six out of 10 cases , and in four out of 10 cases when those who break their bail conditions are brought back to the court , it seems that they are no longer remanded in custody but are again let out on bail .
21 Abraham has passed the test , Isaac is saved , and the purposes of God are brought back from the edge of the abyss .
22 To answer this question we are led back to the idea of big gassy planets like Jupiter spitting out small rocky ones like Venus , which then play a sort of cosmic billiards before settling down .
23 It becomes a colossal step to re-enter working life , even if they are wanted back in the labour market .
24 The suggested version has similarities to Postman 's Knock , too , with a couple having to spend at least one minute observing before they are allowed back into the room .
25 Like Jonah , we are all storm-tossed by the seas of life , undergo apparent death and certain burial , but then attain a blinding resurrection as the car-ferry doors swing open and we are delivered back into the light and into a recognition of God 's love .
26 In some snakes the fangs are hinged and are folded back along the roof of the mouth ; when the snake is about to strike , the fangs flip forward into their striking position .
27 They emerge into a beautifully peaceful park or garden , usually meeting a benevolent old man , and then are sent back through the tunnel to return to the physical world .
28 When the period of feeding is over , and the animal is safe from predators , the contents of the rumen , the ‘ cud ’ , are released back into the mouth , where a set of specialised cheek teeth take over .
29 Where the terrain increases in difficulty , or the whole party is forced onto the same flank , the leader climber can place sling and nut runners , which are clipped back down the rope and collected by the last member .
30 When you are working back from the cosine , sine or tangent you do n't know which of the 2 possible angles is correct .
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