Example sentences of "are [verb] [prep] an [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The figures are calculated on an assumed growth rate of 10.75% and are therefore not guaranteed , as unit prices can fall as well as rise .
2 However , in broad terms , one credit is assigned to one 40-hour module ; two credits are assigned to an 80-hour module , etc .
3 The almost exclusive concentration on the formal political process has been replaced by accounts that take in crucial determinants outside this sphere , and which are placed in an explanatory framework that allows links to be made with wider sets of social relations .
4 Further details of the 40 junctions including accident histories and mean annual traffic flow figures are given with an enlarged map of the route in Appendix 1.1 .
5 Eminent scientists are clamouring for an outright ban on all chlorine substances .
6 The mix and match formula ensures that shareholders are treated on an equal basis .
7 Chicks are treated in an identical fashion .
8 This will show amendments and repeals up to the date of last publication ; more recent changes are listed in an annual publication entitled Annotations to the Acts .
9 It is important that assessment methodologies which will provide valid and reliable results are developed at an early stage .
10 Might this be solely because its mystery and complexity are recognized at an instinctive level ?
11 They are joined by an increasing number of younger people throughout our businesses who bring with them new knowledge and skills so essential to maintain a lead against global competition and benefit from changes in technology .
12 At Debenham there are two small buildings which are joined by an under-cover way .
13 If girls are taught from an early age that science is a subject to be studied by all pupils , and is not ‘ only for the boys ’ , then some of the problems relating to girls ' under-achievement in science in the secondary school will be resolved ( Equal Opportunities Commission 1982 : 4 )
14 These woes are compounded by an acute form of a problem that besets most branches of computing and telecommunications — the need for a universally accepted standard .
15 The fields are still known as South Field , West Field and Mill Field , and are registered as an Ancient Monument .
16 Work towards modules can be done abroad as long as appropriate assessment evidence is produced and students are registered with an approved SCOTVEC centre ; this is useful for students on exchange visits .
17 Mr. Hearn shows how even the very beasts whom we despise as unreasoning and unremembering are filled with an inarticulate sense of this dark backward and abysm of time …
18 Sheets of filo pastry are filled with an exciting mix of diced eddoe and mushrooms flavoured with soy sauce .
19 On a more serious note , the dangers to the environment are highlighted in an entertaining way in the animated adventure Fern Gully : The Last Rainforest .
20 Types of learning are distinguished , and are arranged in an hierarchical way so that earlier types are necessary conditions for later types of learning .
21 Interestingly , the gill openings are arranged in an oblique line , a situation very reminiscent of the gill opening of anaspids and lampreys .
22 Speech patterns are formed at an early age and are firmly established — part of our way of life , an almost subconscious activity , rather in the same way as chewing or walking .
23 A double-strand polymer is defined as a polymer whose molecules are formed by an uninterrupted sequence of rings with adjacent rings having one atom on common ( spiro polymers ) or two or more atoms in common ( ladder polymers ) .
24 Rather they are formed within an external market of inter-agency competition and adjustment .
25 At each level , the word list has been created with an eye to current concerns so that students are exposed to an up-to-date vocabulary which is really relevant to their needs .
26 Indeed the evidence ( Wilson 1980 , Evans 1981 ) suggests that disruptive pupils are exposed to an inferior curriculum which may only add to their difficulties .
27 If we are to profit from an international perspective on curriculum management , we have surely to deepen our questions .
28 They are regarded as an integral part of France and each ( apart from the Southern and Antartic Territories ) elects its own territorial assembly and sends representatives to the French legislature in Paris .
29 Human rights concerns are regarded as an internal matter by the Government of the People 's Republic of China ; and information about violations are often treated as a ‘ state secret ’ .
30 The following notes are intended as an additional guide for new students :
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