Example sentences of "are [verb] [prep] be the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The recent introduction of pilot one-stop-shops , which are intended to be the main local point of access to and promotion of all DTI services , and the diagnostic and consultancy brokerage services which are being developed to succeed the Consultancy Initiatives , will play a key role in helping firms , in particular smaller firms , to access the technology which they need as part of their business and marketing plans .
2 The rooms are claimed to be the largest on offer in London , averaging 50 sq metres .
3 They are claimed to be the first ever to enable system administrators to monitor and manage all their computing resources — computers , networks , and relational database applications — from one central management console .
4 Carriers are expected to be the first users of the interface since it will significantly reduce the cost of building a new Frame Relay network or of extending an existing Frame Relay network .
5 Rechargeable batteries are expected to be the fastest-growing sector in the market during the Nineties .
6 The expenditure negotiations this autumn are expected to be the toughest for many years .
7 Skincare , including cleansers and moisturisers , are expected to be the next big growth area .
8 RIG owners are expected to be the main losers from oil tax changes announced in the Budget , according to a study issued yesterday by the Edinburgh energy consultants , Wood Mackenzie .
9 Local authority general services — mainly district functions like refuse collection and disposal , recreation , tourism and the countryside , as well as functions shared with regions like industrial development — are expected to be the main beneficiaries of the extra money from the EC .
10 Who should inspect the schools for councils but ex-teachers , because they are deemed to be the only people properly qualified ?
11 This may be excellent fodder for people who are aspiring to be the next winner of Mastermind .
12 Women are under more ideological pressure to maintain a perfect home in owner-occupied property , where standards are seen to be the individual responsibility of the owners , rather than being outside a tenant 's control as in rented property , although of course women in all forms of accommodation are subjected to these pressures .
13 Thus irreducible elements are seen to be the fundamental building blocks with respect to multiplication for the system Z.
14 This state of detachment is in some ways like the discrimination of Shankara in which all things are seen to be the same though they possess the illusion of being different .
15 June and July are felt to be the best months for climbing , though the weather in August is still good enough .
16 This leads inevitably to great simplification or stylization , and , at the same time , to a clarification and accentuation of what are felt to be the significant features or details of the object depicted .
17 Dutch insurers are reckoned to be the boldest European investors in private placements , but are now proceeding cautiously .
18 As in previous attacks on the protesters , the real agents provocateurs are said to be the Western media egging on the rabble .
19 Lifetime employment and seniority wages which are said to be the two defining features of the Japanese labour market , are closely related .
20 The differences are said to be the following :
21 The colours used on the façade of the palace are said to be the same as those originally used .
22 Schooldays are said to be the happiest days in your life but for Asian children in Britain they are often the harshest .
23 Not surprising , then , that Soho 's fire-fighters are said to be the busiest in the world .
24 Mycotoxins are produced by certain fungi and are suspected to be the deadly ingredient in yellow rain .
25 The moves to stem wildcat stoppages , condemned by unions and the Labour Party and the independent Industrial Society — are thought to be the first time ministers have sought to legislate against the individual .
26 ( Meliaceae ) but durian seeds are so damaged that ground-walking animals are thought to be the principal effective agents possibly sun-bears , or even tigers .
27 The word ‘ model ’ implies a physical description that does not attempt to be complete or accurate in detail but that encapsulates what are thought to be the central features of the phenomenon .
28 The C2s ( skilled workers to lower management , broadly ) are courted , flattered and endlessly solicited for their opinions , since they are thought to be the deciding factor in the election .
29 The HAPCs are thought to be the manometric equivalent of the mass movements seen during radiological studies although not all HAPCs are associated with mass movements .
30 Pseudoaneurysms complicating pancreatitis are thought to be the most life threatening of all splanchnic artery aneurysms with death rate greater than 50% .
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