Example sentences of "are [verb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The wings are very broad and thick at the base and the feathers at the end of the wings are parted like the fingers of a human hand .
2 If as part of the task you specify the effect the programme is to have on the audience , you are building in the criteria by which that audience can judge the programme and you are giving them a purpose in viewing .
3 Its nostrils are placed at the ends of two extremities that grow out from the side of its head .
4 Northampton Town 's Supporters Trust , an independent body set up in January after a public meeting in the town , have unveiled plans to keep the debt-crippled Division Four club alive if they are placed into the hands of the official receiver on March 11 .
5 Such items would only become liabilities when contracts are placed for the goods to be provided or the work to be carried out .
6 All flies possess these little structures but they are particularly noticeable in the crane flies , the daddy-long-legs , in which the knobs are placed on the ends of stalks so that they look like the heads of drumsticks .
7 DIRE warnings are given of the consequences of taking the necessary measures to make cars more environment-friendly .
8 Details of these requirements are given in the tables of Degree Course Requirements on the following pages .
9 Where the circumstances are that a plaintiff ( such as a mail order company ) wishes to bring separate proceedings in one county court against a great number of defendants , provision is made for a combined request and particulars of claims by the Lord Chancellor 's Practice Directions made on 1 March 1979 and 17 March 1987 setting out full instructions ; these are given in the notes under Ord 3 , r 3 in The County Court Practice .
10 The problems encountered when constructing such drawings are given in the examples of the bridal head-dress painting , illustrated .
11 When the signals involved are of low-enough frequency for reactive and other frequency-dependent effects to be negligible , the Z-parameters are given by the slopes of appropriate static characteristics at the operating bias levels .
12 The two probability distributions of B are given by the squares of moduli of two such wavefunctions .
13 For example , we are treated to the results of a 10-year study of the foraging activity of a laboratory colony of Atta , information on the biology of the immense carpenter ant genus Camponotus and unique insights into the alkaloidal pharmacopoeia of fire ants .
14 Most of them are listed under the provisions of the Clean Air Act of 1990 , but restrictions imposed by the Act will not come into force until 1995 .
15 All of the many degree courses offered at the University of Edinburgh are listed in the tables of the section ‘ Degree Course Requirements ’ .
16 Where O or S passes are listed in the requirements for entry to a particular faculty or to a specific course , these must normally be at grades 1 , 2 or 3 for S grade , or grade C or better ( 7 or better from 1994 ) for O/GCSE .
17 Snotlings are great mimics and are fascinated by the activities of their larger relatives , which , although their actions are completely inexplicable to Snotlings , they will often cheerfully imitate .
18 Those who are fascinated by the minutiae of stratigraphical correlation may be horrified at my generalisations .
19 As with all claims made by competing groups for the objective nature of their own discourse , those made by the Royal Society are tainted by the contingencies of the world in which they were made .
20 Two of the most exclusive beers in the world are drawing in the drinkers at the only pub where they 're sold .
21 It also oxygenates the water on warm summer nights or in thundery weather at a time when the fish are competing with the plants for oxygen .
22 MORE than 300 Whitbread Inns are competing for the Grants of St James ' Wine Awards .
23 So , for example , among the Muslim Somali of north-east Africa , married women are frequently prone to mysterious complaints which are diagnosed by the experts as possession by evil spirits .
24 and they are helping with the children in the house , I mean , they ca n't do much more !
25 IVEL , who manufacture low-fat spreads , are helping Save the Children with a ‘ token ’ scheme .
26 The broad policies of investment trust companies are set out by a board of directors , and as with any limited company they are limited by the articles of association and shareholder approval .
27 It is involved in all the relations , institutions and structures which are implicated in the activities of production and reproduction in the life of societies ’ ( Held , 1984 , p. 235 ) .
28 I am not sure how far , without these visible or audible marks of strangeness , ‘ they ’ would be recognised by cultural differences , though in racist reactions much is made of such things : how good Frenchmen are insulted by the smells of North African cooking , or good Brits by that of curry emanating from their neighbours .
29 Such difficulties are compounded by the complexities of dealing with children who are bilingual .
30 Yet when such annoyances are compounded by the strains of family living , what would cause one family annoyance might easily add up to long-term unhappiness in another family .
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