Example sentences of "are [verb] [adv prt] to the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It 's that time of year when theatres everywhere are given over to the mayhem that is panto … when men are dames and the principal boys are girls .
2 Casual work is growing most rapidly in the service and retail sectors but even traditional manufacturing companies are catching on to the trend .
3 These chapters record how the instructions given in chapters 25–31 are carried out to the letter .
4 Despite this , many pet cats are carried off to the vet by exasperated owners for this type of ‘ convenience surgery ’ .
5 Lateral and medial stabilisers are incorporated on to the outsole to prevent rollover while the design features a flex notch , which has been cut into the outsole to counter any restriction of movement .
6 Smaller practitioners are fed up to the back teeth with all forms of regulation , and audit regulation in particular .
7 This procedure is akin to the methods now being used for computerised medical diagnosis , where the symptoms are fed in to the computer and the most likely illness is predicted .
8 Dutch authorities are looking in to the incident .
9 General seismic and other expenditures not connected with a specific exploration licence are written off to the profit and loss account immediately .
10 Most Brother machines gave weaving brushes which are built in to the sinker plate .
11 Product differentiation is the process by which specific features , characteristics and attributes are built in to the product or service So that the consumer perceives it to be in some way different from ( and preferably superior to ) competing products .
12 The gardens outside my window are bowing down to the heat of the afternoon , but my mind is racing in this stillness , like a dust devil on the apparently windless plains .
13 Some of those contributions are channelled back to the Church Commissioners for distribution .
14 ‘ And those statistics are transferred on to the computer ? ’
15 The sound waves bounce off objects in their path and are reflected back to the dolphin where they are channelled through oil-filled sinuses in the lower jaw to the inner ear .
16 But meanwhile many Japanese eyes are turning back to the root cause : policy co-ordination and America .
17 Now America is the hottest market ; institutions that find Wall Street overvalued are waking up to the attraction of overseas investment .
18 Service managers are waking up to the value of experienced nurses whose understandable reservations about being out of date with current ideas and technologies prevent them from taking up their careers again .
19 But BBC officials are waking up to the fact that , while they have been allocated both of Britain 's channels for high-power satellite broadcasts , the kind that could be received direct into people 's homes , they have no monopoly on low-power transmissions from satellites , the kind that could be picked up by central receiving stations — and transmitted via cable to homes .
20 At long last , the motor manufacturers are waking up to the reality that they ought to do more and that they too can assist in the reduction of car crime .
21 He and his wife Alexandra are heading off to the sun and fun of Mauritius where he will head up English television and radio news for the local broadcasting corporation .
22 The paying-in slips are completed and the cash and slips are handed in to the bank cashier who will check that they are all correct , stamp the counterfoil and retain the paying-in slip .
23 ‘ We are going round to the stage door now , ’ she announced firmly .
24 Hamish and I are going over to the Island to see her next weekend .
25 PHYSICS lecturers are going back to the nursery to teach toddlers in the water tub while admissions tutors consider the merits of palm-reading and astrology for selecting students at Newcastle Polytechnic .
26 THE enthusiastic housekeeper will no doubt be pleased to hear that the carpet retailers are going back to the twist .
27 We 're moving to Shanghai with mixed feelings , as we 've heard we 'll be staying in the Peace Hotel , in the noisy centre of the city , but it 's nice to feel now that we are moving on to the home stretch .
28 De Klerk said his visit showed South Africa and the world that " we are moving back to the fold " .
29 Large boats are roped up to the quayside .
30 But nationally , Directors of Social Services have identified that the trends in child care are such now , as to create serious concern that the children 's homes themselves are geared up to the kind of er tasks that now face them .
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