Example sentences of "are [verb] [to-vb] [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 All permutations of transitional probabilities arising out of the character recognition are calculated to give an associated probability for a given string .
2 Today reasons other than those voiced by Hale are given to justify the marital rape exemption .
3 Figures for 1971 are available on both bases and are given to indicate the potential disparity .
4 These details are given to emphasize the enormous difference of scale between any problem Howard dreamed of and the problems facing recent TDC directors .
5 This is then used to feed the rabbits which they are producing to provide a valuable source of protein .
6 Unfortunately , the Kanda method is destructive and many of the mitotic cells become unscorable but a sufficient number are conserved to give a clear indication of X-chromosome activity .
7 Doors are joined to make a predella-like altarpiece .
8 Kuwaitis left stranded in Britain following the invasion of their country at the beginning of August are helping to form a national resistance movement ; in some cases , small groups of men have gained access to Kuwait to fight the occupying Iraqi forces .
9 In this general context , handheld media are increasingly offering the same utilities which are helping to build the electronic information market globally , together with portability , an ingredient new to electronic media but for long one of the most cherished advantages of the printed word .
10 Does that mean that we are helping to subsidise the German coal industry while shutting pits in this country and throwing people out of work ?
11 Family routines are adjusted to accommodate the worsening disease .
12 My feeling is that Leeds are struggling to find a traditional centre-half , and until they do , will look in trouble whenever the ball is in their penalty box .
13 Given that countries are struggling to develop a rational system for formulating health policy , based on democratic principles and the principles of public health found in the WHO 's ‘ Health for All ’ documents , might not the WHO assist by formulating recommendations on health policy with these same principles ?
14 For example , if some men are struggling to get a large cupboard ( German der Schrank , masculine ) into a small van , a bystander might comment
15 Several second row contenders such as Zoran , Thomson and Philips are struggling to capture a sizeable foot hole in the market .
16 ad hoc committees are formed to complete a particular task .
17 Stage 2 Generic Sciences modules are intended to complement the appropriate Stage 2 Sciences modules and can be integrated into programmes as necessary .
18 These standards are intended to support the business-like approach of the ES .
19 Some focus on a particular joint-venture subsidiary company ; some involve the sharing of research and development ; some are an alliance of production capacity with marketing strength ; some involve putting a foreign product under a domestic label ; some alliances are intended to promote a new standard or form of compatibility ( and to defeat a rival standard ) .
20 It is hard to avoid the suspicion that Kay 's and Smith 's articles are intended to reinforce the erroneous claim that there is no scientific basis for clinical ecology .
21 They are intended to reinforce the main aim of the National Health Service — to help people live longer and enjoy a better quality of life .
22 Although the 1992 reforms are intended to create a single market for labour , as well as goods and services , both the French and West German delegations expressed doubts about the need to control an influx of immigrants .
23 ‘ I scarcely know whether these remarks are intended as the mere superfluous assertion of an abstract right , or whether they are intended to imply a covert threat , that if the petitioners are dissatisfied with the answer to their application , they may resort to the extreme course of closing that useful place of veterinary education .
24 The various techniques described and proforma letters set out in section 11 are intended to provide a helpful aid to the smooth running of the sale rather than to prescribe standard procedures and formats .
25 The first two years are intended to provide a solid foundation in the basic elements of computing such as software development , computer systems , an introduction to the organizational context for computing and concepts of basic programming .
26 Unlike occupational SVQs , general SVQs are intended to provide a broad preparation for employment in a range of occupations .
27 As their name implies , National Vocational Qualifications are intended to provide a national framework of qualifications which are easily understood by trainees and employers .
28 Longer-range decisions — Decisions made once and reviewed infrequently , but which are intended to provide a continuing solution to a continuing or recurring problem .
29 The core questions of why policy developed in the way it did and which factors initiated and influenced change are intended to inform a critical assessment of the outcome of policy in the shape of service provision for alcohol problems in the 1990's .
30 Future agreements are intended to cover a wider range of industries .
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