Example sentences of "this [vb mod] be [verb] to the " in BNC.

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1 If the death is then considered to be from natural causes , the coroner will issue a notification that he does not consider it necessary to hold an inquest , and this may be given to the relative to take to the registrar or sent to the registrar direct .
2 Sometimes , this may be delegated to the conveyancer acting , but this delegation must clearly be with the client 's authority .
3 They speculated that this may be related to the fact that patients are referred with chronic or refractory conditions that have proved difficult to treat in general practice .
4 The feeling of psychological revival and an elevation of mood is a common experience in mountains , and this may be related to the euphoric and hallucinogenic effects of low oxygen levels in the brain brought about by hard exercise at high altitudes .
5 This may be related to the destabilisation of the gastric mucosa engendered by a lifetime of exposure to the environmental conditions in coal mines , although clearly these symptoms could also be related to the asthenia of chronic respiratory disease which is so common in coal miners .
6 This may be related to the maintenance of hepatopetal portal blood flow as well as the small diameter of the shunt .
7 This may be compared to the total inflow of Japanese portfolio investment in the UK over 1986 Q1–1989 Q2 which amounted to some £23.2bn and total foreign inward investment of close to £50bn .
8 3 Ensure the patient has the following : appliances dressings drugs ( with written instructions if necessary ] completed forms/letters ( e.g. for district nurse ) appointment card ( this may be sent to the patient later ] .
9 This may be connected to the fact that the youngsters came bottom as far as hugs were concerned , as 57pc said their parents hugged them compared with a national average of 70pc .
10 This may be attributed to the fact that the city 's traders were not swamped by the growth of the larger British companies during the colonial period , that among the merchant families involved in the kola nut trade , two generations were common , and that merchant families in Kano were particularly successful from the early 1960s at forming links with overseas companies , not least with those from the Far East .
11 This may be attributed to the fact that Sam has co-written and produced this album , a standard which many women artist seem to be setting .
12 This should be linked to the dpc in the house wall by stripping off the plaster up to dpc level and applying the compound in a band just above the floor level .
13 Stevens added : ‘ Things like this should be left to the PFA to sort out — that is what they are there for .
14 Things like this should be left to the PFA to sort out . ’
15 This should be addressed to the Acquisitions Unit .
16 In the United Kingdom , the NHS plans to spend about £36 billion in the calendar year 1993 ( about 15% of public spending , or 5.7% of the gross domestic product ) ; a small percentage of this should be devoted to the conduct of prevention trials and the implementation of worthwhile new preventive medical services .
17 This should be shown to the person in charge of your team , then taken to the ‘ Excused Games ’ room , where you will remain until 3.15 pm .
18 This should be laid to the side intact so that you can restore it to its original place when the hole is refilled once the digging is completed .
19 This must be related to the right for people to retire free from work-related injuries and illnesses .
20 Any descendant can amend their own range of privileges , although this must be confined to the set allocated by their parent .
21 Thirdly , in relation to the gifted property this must be enjoyed to the exclusion or virtually to the exclusion of the donor and of any benefit to him by contract or otherwise .
22 This must be submitted to the local legal aid area office together with the appropriate means form .
23 In the case of a commission , this could be sent to the client as a proof .
24 During negotiations , Newco should try to avoid any general qualification that the warranties are given to the best of the vendors ' knowledge , as this could be interpreted to the effect that a vendor giving a warranty subject to this qualification has relied on the information given to him by management , and again distances the vendor from the risk .
25 Whereas it was hoped that this would be brought to the Council by the end of November , it may now be into 1993 before the first draft is presented to the Planning and Development Committee .
26 In other words not sitting there and asking people to , erm people in authority , erm sort of people of influence , ask them what they think , but actually going out and visiting people and groups , and I was going to ask whether this would be copied to the women 's sub-committee , because there are many , many groups of women who never have a chance of saying what they really want , and I do n't mean patients , I mean potential users of the health service .
27 The City reported that City Council was in the process of reviewing the which included the updating of the balance of transport policy , and that this would be submitted to the Highways and Traffic Committee in the next few months .
28 Another crucial factor is the concentration of reactants ; in the case of a solution ( such as soil water ) reacting with a solid ( such as a rock ) this will be related to the surface area of contact between the water and the constituent minerals of the rock .
29 This will be presented to the Edinburgh Summit on the 11th of December .
30 This will be applied to the input of the other gate making its output 0 .
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