Example sentences of "this [vb -s] [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And sometimes this fits the ethnographic facts in a quite straight-forward way .
2 Following the PERT conventions this displays the logical dependences of the project activities very clearly , as indicated in Chapter 6 .
3 This separates the individual eggs from the clump , and I spread them out in a layer one egg thick .
4 This produces the observed departures from the dipole field beyond about 10 R J .
5 This has the following points in its favour :
6 This emphasises the educational purposes of the placement to the young people , the school and the employers .
7 The Scottish history component in the first year comprises an overview of Scottish history : this establishes the long-term trends in the history of the country and its people .
8 This allows the physical drives of the workstation to be accessed in the normal way .
9 When this happens the thin walls of the tubes are able to buckle , the helical fibrillae can then straighten themselves out and so the cell is enabled to elongate under the tensile load by something like 20 percent .
10 For lasers based on atomic transitions , this limits the available wavelengths to a few discrete lines , and even for molecular liquid dye lasers the practical tuning range for a given dye is limited to about 50 nm .
11 This limits the possible uses of such a technique to very active files that the user does not wish to reorganize frequently .
12 This groups the estimated costs under appropriate headings with subtotals .
13 This groups the estimated costs under appropriate headings with subtotals .
14 This details the acceptable forms of the linking that can take place by a set of pointers relating elements and routes through the structure .
15 This shows the present-value profiles for two bonds A and B , trading at the same price and yield to maturity , and having the same duration .
16 Yes , this one here , it should be one overall , it should be just one overall picture of the item like the land , and this shows the different proportions of land in the north and south .
17 The prosecution must establish that all the elements of the crime relied upon as the unlawful act were present , and this includes the mental elements of intent or recklessness in assault or battery .
18 This includes the senior members of Morgan Grenfell , Johnson Matthey Bankers , Guinness , Lloyds and Barlow Clowes , all apparent bastions of the establishment of the City of London .
19 The satellite system that supports the telescope costs at least £20 million : this includes the solar panels for power , control systems to swing the telescope from one object to another , tape recorders to store data , and communications links to the ground .
20 There is a very strong critical tradition within Japan which has stressed the need to consider the other side of the economic miracle whether this concerns the social costs of pollution and congestion , gender and racial inequalities , repressive police methods , the inadequate provision of housing , the lack of proper attention to the elderly or sick .
21 This concerns the analytical deficiencies in the treatment of the relationship between stocks and flows in Keynesian macroeconomics .
22 This creates the appropriate incentives for sellers to increase their efficiency ( and reduce cost ) and improve the quality or attractiveness of their products to buyers .
23 This reduces the national reserves of most countries .
24 This reflects the high levels of nitrate in modern tapwater and the pondowners ' occasional need to perform large scale water changes with untreated water .
25 Many people think that this combines the good points of the one-to-one interview with those of the panel interview .
26 This ignores the particular contexts of individual schools , and the way they differ .
27 This identifies the demographic features of geographic areas as identified by customer addresses .
28 This means the physical components of computers , including the minicomputers , microcomputers and integrated systems and attachments to the computers .
29 This gives the following equations for reservation wages and hazards for the two periods :
30 This enables the relative contributions of small and large companies to be assessed .
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