Example sentences of "this [vb past] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Suddenly he said : ‘ What 's all this got to do with a girl being missing ? ’
2 ‘ So what 's all this got to do with the deaths of our agents ? ’ continued the DDA .
3 Others had to put up with less ideal locations , and this led to demand for the feng shui practitioner , whose skill was in improving the landscape by correct siting , ensuring that nothing took place to disturb the flows of energy .
4 In any case , all this helped to prepare for the militarist attitude that the party was to take when war came , when it could advocate conscription without any fear of the electoral consequences .
5 A leading scientific journal , Nature , did not publish the paper but none of this seemed to matter before the Utah steamroller .
6 In England the king claimed that all his subjects owed fealty to him in some degree , and in due course this came to conflict with the possibility of any of his vassals owing liege homage to any but the king .
7 This happened to coincide with the moment Hugette Bouchardeau took over as France 's new , untried environment minister .
8 The most likely means of achieving agreement on this appeared to lie in the dialogue over the formation of a Joint Nuclear Control Committee ( JNCC ) — the instrument of inter-Korean nuclear inspection contained within the joint denuclearization declaration — which had begun on Feb. 27 .
9 In another family , where the inheritance from the father was quite substantial , funds for the brothers and sisters were tied up in a trust which was administered by their mother , and this appeared to result in a series of squabbles about whether each of them was getting their fair share in comparison with the others ( p. 376 ) .
10 In November 1992 the two French ecologist parties " the radical Les verts and the more pragmatic Génération écologie " had reached an entente but this appeared to result in the image of both parties being less clearly identified .
11 I had occasion to set up the chunky machine ( this had to go in the bedroom , because of lack of space elsewhere ) .
12 In the first place , Niki could n't stand him personally — and this had to do with a clash of personalities , the Argentine being in every respect the antithesis of Niki — and in the second , the Ferrari tactic was quite clear : if Niki does n't recover , we get rid of him .
13 This is one person who ca n't be quoted , but apparently this had to do with the description of John Major during that leadership crisis .
14 Although the United States accepted the case for the dollar eventually being convertible into SDRs , in its view this had to result from the dollar being sufficiently competitive to generate enough capital and current account surpluses over a period to make convertibility a reality .
15 This continued to operate in the Treasury though no attempt was made to coordinate its activities with the Economic Section of the Cabinet Office which was responsible for the Economic Survey .
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