Example sentences of "this [noun sg] by [verb] that the " in BNC.

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1 Marx resolved this question by positing that the total social productive capital and the total social product is divided into two major departments of production .
2 It is easy to escape this issue by saying that the discourses of the two groups have little in common ; but discourse analysis should teach us that it is as likely to be our attitude to what they say that categorizes them .
3 The doctrine of operationalism took a particularly extreme view on this issue by stipulating that the meaning of a concept consisted in the operations required to measure it .
4 An American lawyer has graphically underlined this point by observing that the prison displays many features of the police state ( Marin 1983 : 75 ) .
5 ( 1988 b ) support this interpretation by demonstrating that the VS pre-exposure treatment will produce perfectly good latent inhibition when the CS used in the conditioning phase is itself vinegar followed by sucrose , an arrangement that should ensure that the same representation of vinegar is activated on both occasions .
6 Thus , given the way the word " I " is used , there is no startlingly new information to be derived from a person 's statement " I actually exist " If " Socrates is eating an apple " is true , then clearly there is nothing that can usefully be added to this statement by saying that the apple Socrates is eating is not fictional .
7 You can reduce this risk by ensuring that the man practises safer sex for the 6 months prior to insemination , and then has an HIV test .
8 In her book on the local state Cynthia Cockburn develops this idea by suggesting that the main criticism to be applied to corporate planning in local government was that it was a method borrowed from the private sector and was thus inherently anti-democratic , implying control from the top and attempts to manage the community ( the reproduction of labour power ) , as well as the workforce ( in the process of production ) ( Cockburn , 1977 , pp. 6–18 ) .
9 The Court avoided this doctrine by finding that the agreement had been implemented within the EC , and hence fell within the jurisdiction of EC law .
10 The KPP argument made sense , but they compromised this position by claiming that the Ukrainian and Silesian territories seized in the first years of independence should also be returned to their respective ‘ owners ’ .
11 Urban Waste and Power have overcome this problem by ensuring that the mix of rubbish is maintained at 60 per cent of the calorific value of a similar quantity of coal .
12 I began this essay by noting that the moral dogma of the Piaroa disallows violence toward anyone who is part of their this-worldly political and social universe .
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