Example sentences of "this [noun sg] was [vb pp] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 This finding was supported by a recent American study , although in neither study were patients randomised .
2 According to a survey conducted for the BBC in April 1974 by Professor Richard Rose , sixty-nine per cent of the people of Northern Ireland thought that the executive should be given a chance to govern but this finding was contradicted by the results of a general election two months earlier and may reflect the general tendency of survey respondents to make statements in response to poll questions which are more moderate than their real views .
3 This finding was considered as an ‘ uncomplicated ’ Barrett 's oesophagus. ( e ) Grade IV : presence of a peptic ulcer or stricture of the oesophagus , located at the level or distal to the mucosal junction , always in the presence of a Barrett 's oesophagus .
4 Second , I shall consider how this framework was used by the subject working parties whose job it was to produce the detailed lists of statements of attainment .
5 At the United States-Soviet summit meeting off Malta on Dec. 2-3 ( see pp. 37110-12 ) , the US President , George Bush , indicated that he would support an application by the Soviet Union for observer status at GATT , and this support was reaffirmed by the US delegation to the immediately following 45th session of GATT contracting parties .
6 They found that there were no significant differences between the signs in the frequency with which they elicited some speed change from the driver ( in the Johansson and Rumar study there were very considerable differences in memory performance depending on the sign used ) , although the degree of this change was related to the information on the sign .
7 This change was marked by the arrival on 1 June of Air Commodore Hugh Pughe Lloyd , M.C. , D.F.C. , to take over as A.O.C. from A.V.M. Maynard , A.F.C. Newly-promoted from the rank of Group Captain , Lloyd had been serving as Senior Air Staff Officer with No.2 Group of Bomber Command .
8 This change was recommended in a recent Customs Foreign Business Review on future developments for international trade in the UK .
9 Imports of methanol to supplement alcohol supplies were banned by a lower court in December 1989 because of fears of its environmental impact , but this ban was overruled by a federal court in January 1990 .
10 This majority was obtained by the votes of the 128 Popular Front deputies together with those of independents and deputies from radical nationalist groups ; the resolution was passed by 138 votes to none , with one abstention , but with a group of 57 pro-Soviet deputies boycotting the vote .
11 This basilica was replaced during the Renaissance by that now standing up on the site ( Volume 2 ) .
12 A particularly detailed investigation into matters of this kind was conducted in the Tatar autonomous republic , whose social and demographic characteristics were reasonably representative of the Soviet population as a whole .
13 In both cases revisionary work of this kind was embodied in a historical and political analysis of the relation of individual consciousness to society , from within the aegis of an Hegelian Marxism in some respects still impossibly bound to its own enlightenment heritage .
14 The case at Water Newton is rather less certain , but it has been argued that either one of the two large buildings visible at the centre of the defended area served as an administrative centre for the Fens , or that this function was performed by the remarkable complex identified at Castor to the north-east of the town 's extramural suburbs .
15 This eulogy was designed as a recruiting appeal for women to train as hospital nurses .
16 This coverage was epitomised by a photograph of a demonstrator appearing to kick a policeman in the head , featured on the front pages of seven out of the ten newspapers analysed .
17 Local authorities are to be given the leading role in the organisation of community care , but the decision to give them this responsibility was taken with the greatest possible reluctance and only after every other possibility had been explored .
18 This difficulty was overcome by the concept of ‘ operant conditioning ’ , developed by the behaviourist , Skinner .
19 A way to start to address this difficulty was suggested by the Strathclyde Equality Awareness Trainers , an organisation of disabled people .
20 This story was written by a boy on the subject of Memory .
21 This story was taken from the experiences of members of organisations on Age Concern 's governing body .
22 This story was recounted as a warning to naughty children .
23 This story was told by a Muslim in the course of some Christian/Muslim conversations held in Birmingham recently .
24 One case of particular importance in this field was brought by the Equal Opportunities Commission which , in addition to its formal powers of investigation has legal authority to pursue cases in the courts .
25 This trial was repeated in the life of one of her daughters , Mary , who gave birth to a son a week after being widowed in 1737 .
26 This case was decided under the Polemis test .
27 This case was decided under the Trade Descriptions Act 1968 , the defendant being acquitted of applying a false trade description because the sale was not in the course of a trade or business due to the absence of regularity .
28 Bearing in mind the fact that the first complaint in this case was made on the advice of the Leicestershire children 's rights officer , will the Secretary of State reconsider the Government 's view about the appointment of those officers ?
29 Industrial development in this case was prepared in the ‘ downswing ’ before the 1790s , largely took place in the ‘ upswing ’ from the 1790s to 1810 , was overtaken by the rest of the West Midlands from 1842 to 1873 , and was largely extinguished in the downswing from the 1920s to 1932 .
30 This case was approved by the Court of Appeal in Congreve v. Home Office .
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