Example sentences of "this [modal v] not [adv] [be] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is possible to draft preference share rights dispensing with the declaration of preference dividends and compelling the offeror to distribute available distributable profits , but this may not always be desired by the offeror .
2 This should not only be expected to happen as a natural consequence of ‘ the Church 's active , sympathetic presence within the world of communications ’ ( ibid. ) , but also as the result of a precise commitment on the part of communicators .
3 Although an impressive example of children sharing and exploring ideas together , this could not reasonably be called a ‘ collaborative group activity ’ of the sort we were anticipating .
4 If one was to look forward to work , it needed to be stimulating and enjoyable , but precisely what was meant by this could not quite be imagined .
5 Intertidal limestone solution is at a much higher rate , 100 mm ( 4 in ) per 1000 years , but because of the low sea levels this could not really be expected to destroy reefs .
6 When people guess at the calorie content of a portion of food they tend to underestimate the calories in meat and cheese , mainly because there was such a deeply entrenched fallacy , persisting for so many years , that ‘ protein foods ’ like this could not possibly be fattening .
7 An accident may happen — such as when a sufferer form alcoholism takes a sip of a drink that he or she was not aware contained alcohol — and this would not even be termed as a sip .
8 Ultimately the attempt to undermine the power of the Prime Minister can be portrayed as an attempt to undermine the whole system of parliamentary democracy as we know it and this will not even be considered .
9 This will not always be used as visits to departments or ward rounds may form part of the programme .
10 This can not simply be dismissed as another New Right invocation of the Gulag , for Cixous is arguing something much more specific : that Marxism , insofar as it inherits the system of the Hegelian dialectic , is also implicated in the link between the structures of knowledge and the forms of oppression of the last two hundred years : a phenomenon that has become known as Eurocentrism .
11 The Exchange discourages the use of equity shares with no or restricted voting rights , so this can not normally be used as a device to retain control amongst a few shareholders with voting rights .
12 Where there does exist a genuine public expression of concern about the way the police operate this can not just be dismissed as a matter of misunderstanding or be written off as the foolish ramblings of that police ‘ folk devil ’ the ‘ loony left ’ , who would dismantle the system for their own political ends .
13 It may be that we are becoming a more ‘ criminal ’ nation as the increase in crime rates would suggest , but this can not just be assumed and it is important to be aware of other possible reasons for such an increase .
14 While accepting that the tremendous European complication about this can not just be wished away , will my right hon. Friend take note of yesterday 's vote and appreciate that a significant number of Conservative Members voted for that Bill .
15 Its Guide to Company Giving says that ‘ this can not really be considered a mainstream charitable expenditure , but more a self-interested expenditure by companies ’ .
16 Much of the evidence for settlement colonisation is based on the first reference to a place in documents , but this can not now be accepted as a date for origin .
17 A minor fraction of phosphatidylserine may be present at the outer surface of platelets , but this can not usually be detected .
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