Example sentences of "this [modal v] [vb infin] [to-vb] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This may serve to emphasise the effects of local sequence and structure on the dissociation parameters since those that have been rigorously determined with synthetic oligonucleotides are all flanked by short regions of alternating A and T residues .
2 Perhaps this may serve to emphasise the difficulties of actually manufacturing such items in the period .
3 While this may appear to emphasise the role of the exchange of primitive valuables , perhaps ceremonial in nature , there are also links between the island and Kent in a limited amount of metalwork , dress and burial form which have encouraged the connections to be viewed in familial terms .
4 He demonstrates instead the extent to which oral and literate forms of language complement each other : ‘ The development of writing takes place within an oral framework of thought and this may continue to dominate the uses of literacy ’ .
5 This may help to explain the difficulty faced in involving small businesses in partnership activities .
6 Perhaps this may help to explain the determination of the anorexic to go on starving herself : without anorexia , I should have been nothing .
7 This may help to explain the suspicion entertained by many of his friends that they were being placed in special compartments , never to mingle with those in other compartments , like cells in the honeycomb of his private life .
8 This may help to explain the decentralisation of manufacturing industry from inner cities to outer areas ,
9 Clearing up the faeces as soon as possible , whether in the garden or a park , is obviously to be recommended in any event , and this may help to break the habit .
10 This may help to increase the bladder 's capacity .
11 This may seem to violate the definition of policy making as involving more than isolated decisions , yet individual professional judgements of this kind may cluster or have similarities that suggest implicit if not explicit policy decisions that are being made at the operational level .
12 Point to the spot , and this should serve to encourage the puppy to sniff in this region .
13 This should help to put the offences from the first list in perspective .
14 This should help to encourage the flow of savings and the efficient use of them .
15 Whilst this might appear to make the counsellor a ‘ jack-of-all-trades ’ , a more positive interpretation is that the counsellor is in the privileged position of seeing the older individual as a whole or entire person .
16 This would tend to support the idea that there is an important place for the paraprofessional in the social services whether or not there is a shortage of professionally trained personnel in a given locality .
17 This would appear to reflect the fact that what was learned , and from whom it was learned , was considerably more important than where it was learned .
18 This would appear to defeat the intention of the statutory provision .
19 Where the wrongful conduct of the police is the initiating event , this would seem to justify the citizen in engaging in increasingly spirited acts of resistance .
20 initially the embryo of any other mammal ( such as a cat ) is hard to distinguish from that of a human being , and only later do the necessary differences appear — this would seem to reflect the processes involved in divergent evolution
21 This would seem to cover the action of the lock keepers in this case .
22 This would seem to overcome the problem of segmenting and labeling areas of poor acoustic quality , and so minimise the problem of deciding which and how many of the alternatives should be maintained during left to right processing .
23 Although this would seem to fulfil the requirements of the regulations , my application to have this experience recognised for just six months of higher training was rejected by the college without explanation .
24 This would seem to strengthen the case against monopoly , for now there is reason to believe that a movement towards monopoly could lead to higher costs through the creation of X-inefficiency .
25 This would seem to require the ability to reconstruct from each other 's behaviour the probable goal that the behaviour was intended to achieve ( otherwise , the interdependent actions would not be likely to culminate in the achievement of the joint task ) .
26 This would help to protect the dollar at a time when the United States was experiencing balance of payments problems .
27 Whether this would help to solve the problem is uncertain , and some initial experiments would have to be undertaken to establish its effectiveness .
28 On the proposal in Recommendation 18 to set up a committee to advise on priorities for grant-aid , he argued that this would help to keep the WEA on its toes , true to its traditional concerns for rigorous study of subjects appropriate to understanding contemporary society .
29 Still less acceptable was the idea of introducing Afghan ‘ representatives ’ at the second stage of the conference since this would act to legitimise the resistance groups within Afghanistan .
30 All this will combine to keep the lid on prices .
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